I had a VERY strange experience last night! help me please

hello, I had an experience like Ive never had before… this is what happened…

today I went to sleep at 12:00 am and I just couldnt go to sleep, its like if I had some kind of insomnia, so I closed my eyes at 12:00 am and after a long time had passed I would open my eyes to check the time… so it was 3:00 am allready and I hadnt gone to sleep, but all of a sudden, I started feeling very very heavy and like a strange strong pressure on my body and head, also very far away noises I was able to hear, they werent very loud though, my first thought was that it was a WILD, so what i did was just start to think of me in a dream so that way maybe I could get into a lucid dream. but it didnt work instead I felt like I was doing an OBE! and I dont want an OBE! I just wanted a lucid dream. I say this because all of a sudden I felt like my body was being pulled down and I could feel as I was faling of bed and it was a strange feeling because Its like I knew my body was still in the same position and I was just being pulled away from my body, I hold my thought of being in a dream but still wouldnt work, so I just got a little scared and opened my eyes to see what was happening, but I was just in my body… like if nothing had happened.

this happened like 3 times, it was happening so much that I was afraid to even close my eyes for more than one minute, because of I closed my eyes for more than one minute this was start again and it wouldnt lead me to nothing, instead I would just get kinda scared…

so what should I do next time this happens to me, cause after this I realized that I by just not moving and laying down with my eyes closed, and trying to just stay awake, would trigger this feeling…

so… someone tell me what should I do next time

( by the way, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm that day, I slept, and after that I didnt sleep anything until 3:00 am when i started having those experiences)

Next time, what should you do? A reality check.

Or you can try for the OBE that you’ve been fearing if it’s not a dream. It can lead to an LD, I hear.

a reality check? but how am I supposed to do that with my eyes closed heh because when I open my eyes the whole thing dissapears… and by the way, arent reality checks supposed to be done while in dreams? cause at that moment Im not dreaming yet…

Im not saying its not possible, I just dont understand how,Im interested in how do it, Im sure its a good idea :smile:


Even though I don’t know much about this area, but it sounded like you were starting to do a WILD. Next time it happens I would definately recommend you to go with it and not stop it, even if it feels weird. You might end up in a lucid dream.

are you sure you’re not dreaming? oh don’t try WILD without WBTB… don’t work… if it’s a not a dream I’ll bet it’s that hypnogogic imagery everyone’s talking about but I can’t seem to experience…

This sounds very, very familiar to me. The pressure, the noise, the ‘pulling’… also the fact that it happens immediately when you close your eyes, AND, is triggered by not being able to sleep for a couple of hours in the night. Yeah, it’s exactly what I have sometimes, and it’s been explained to me that this is a beginning WILD. It’s pretty scary indeed.

What’s helped for me is either turning on the light and do something else, read for a bit, then go back to sleep normally… this would result in nothing weird happening again. However, your eyes might keep falling shut…

Second, you could also try going with the pull. For me it usually pulled me very far, the noise in my ears would increase so much I thought I’d go deaf and the pressure was so high I almost felt I’d choke or something would break… but those are just sensations, and not really happening. If I’d let myself pull through it and go with it, I would eventually see images and be able to control and shape them. So it can lead you into a lucid dream, if it lasts long enough.

I don’t know exactly what happens, but I suppose it’s instant sleep paralysis (the pressure and noise). Before I knew about WILD I used the term ‘being pulled into a dream’… which is sort of the same thing. It occurs for me involuntarily, and so far trying to induce it hasn’t worked. The only thing that works for me is like you describe it:

I know it’s very frightening, because I’ve experienced it plenty of times. If you go with it, you’ll probably feel the pressure and noise increase, and may have the feeling your body is being pulled strongly one way, like falling really fast. At one point you most likely will see hypnogogic imagery that will eventually lead you into a dream. Try to realise that nothing is physically happening to your body and these are sensations because of sleep paralysis setting in and a dream forming.

Because I haven’t had any of those ‘pulls’ since I realised it was a form of WILD, I haven’t been able to realise an LD from it. Usually, I would have control over the dream for a short while, after a while I would just go with the dream.

Good luck though! It’s cool to know someone else has had this experience. ^^