i had a weird dream.It happened between the ages of 4-9 nearly twice a week then dropping to once a month
I would be in this white place with nothing at all and then i would see this white rabbit. it was small and cute. i went over to clap it and it ran away and went in circles and got bigger and uglier and it exploded.
just then the room divided into two. one side loud with trucks and a mountainside and the other quiet with calmin music and a pretty girl brushing her hair in the mirror.
I would sometimes be on the loud side crying for help and the machines would chase me and i would fall and end up on the quiet side. sometimes the room took the form of my mums bedroom and i would be climbing up the walls. but sometimes the girl on the quiet side would help me and other times she turns round and she was really scary and told me some things i couldnt remember and i would have to turn away.
Ive always been curious about this dream and i was wondering what it means? also what is it when ur controllin a small toy airplane and it changes to a big one and crashes? i have had a lot of dreams about planes crashing near me
thanks for reading this site is so cool my m8 told me about it, expect to see me floating about a lot…not in that way!!
PS: sometimes i can feel myself floating as im going to sleep, neone else have this?
People have reacurring dreams (i’ve had lots of reacurring dreams, and dream themes).
The first dream you mentioned is probally just something that came about from watching too much tv (though I might be wrong).
The plane one - do you have a fear of flying? Do you hear alot about planes crashing? Either of them could be the cause.
(oh, and as a side note, an aircraft crash is very rare).
If you wanna look at this in mroe detail, you could maybe get a book that helps you desipher your dreams (personally, I don’t believe in that, but I’m pretty skeptical, so they might work).
Don’t get a dream dictionary - they’re crap. Get something like The Origin of Dreams by Joe Griffin or anything else written in the last 20 years. The Origin of Dreams at least won’t help you decipher that dream though, because it was so long ago.
If you want to explain the symbolism of your dreams, you definitely don’t need dream dictionaries. These assume that dream symbols have a universal meaning, which is really not true. The only one who could accurately decipher your dreams is yourself, because nobody else can understand your psyche in the way you can. What others cán explain however, are the overall settings of the dreamscape. But then again, one has to have at least a general idea of your inner psyche…
I can’t really help you with this… sorry
Sometimes… Your body is probably falling asleep while your mind is still awake to some extent. In this state (sleep paralysis), many weird things can be perceived: vibrations, noises, strange sensations such as floating, or visual hallucinations. Nothing to be afraid of When you have these kind of sensations early in the morning, you can use them to enter a dream consciously (WILD).
OoooOOOoo wow i would say you could learn to be a natural lucid dreaming lol that sounds a bit strange…anyway i think you could.
What you feel when floating is def sleep par. i used to feel as if i was floating to a long time ago, produced some gr8 feelings to. also used to feel like i was on a roller coaster ride. have you ever had that?
As for your explaoding rabbit… well… i could interp it for me.
If it were my dream i would say that the rabbit is a small cute part of ym self, but as i grow up i want to shew it away ( i believe taht is what you were doing…) in doing so it got ugly and then my life was split up into two totaly diffrent life styles, the real world, ie the big trucks and whats not, and the other world the protective side, comfert. i get a feeling of your mother from this side.
um personal question dont have 2 answer if ya not want to. Are your parents stil ltogether, actually were they at the time of that dream
I’ve had that lots of times. It happened to me only when I was sick w/ a fever or flu. I would be half awake, and half sleeping. And I’d see everything in the room, but I can’t move at all. And I’d feel like I’m in a roller coaster doing loopdy loops! Weird… could I have induced a lucid dream from that?
The best advice I can give you would be to cruse around this site and learn more about LD ing and explore this dream for yourself in a LD. You will then be in a better position to understand it’s meaning.
I agree with everyone above. A dream dictionary would be a waist of time and money.
Oh the floating feeling sounds like a WILD symptom to me as well. You might want to check out the BIG WILD topic in the quest for lucidity section.
Magic star , can this girl you mention in your dream be some kind of sister or friend ? It could mean that sometimes she’s there for you and sometimes she isn’t .