I’ve been working on my dream recall for the last two weeks. I’ve been getting better, but the problem is that Monday through Friday I have to wake up to my blaring alarm clock. As soon as that alarm goes off any memory of my dreams are wiped away. It’s almost like I’ve been conditioned to forget. Saturday and Sunday, on the other hand, when I can wake up on my own I have very clear memories. I’ve tried waking up with different alarms and music, but I can’t wake up unless it’s loud.
for me it’s the opposite. if I sleep until i wake up naturally I don’t remember anything, I usually set my alarm to go off once an hour from 7am and write down my dreams on every awakening
Chaos, this is strange… I’ve never known anyone having this problem. I have had something similar happen to me when I am forced to wake up quickly and get going(like when I set my alarm clock for like 15 minutes before class). Maybe that is your problem… one of the best techniques to remember dreams is to lay down and try not to move after you wake up (or after you turn off your alarm clock). You could set it a bit earlier than usual and reserve the extra time to juts laying there elaborating on images on any feelings you remember from dreams. You might know of this technique, but I really think it’s critical to dream recall. Could you set your alarm to be more quiet? If nothing works at first to override the alrarm problem, your body may just adapt to it and you could get your recall back. Well good luck, and you may want to bring this up in the dream recall sticky. Keep with it… -Fen
I have this “Record your own voice alarm clock” thing, and just this past week I got an idea. Maybe you should consider to buy one of those, or one that plays a CD track for an alarm. Then, you could burn a CD or record a message that is gentle music that slowly fades in.
I forget more dreams the more I have to move to turn of my alarmclock. But if I can reach it just by moving my arm there’s a big chance that I fall asleep again after turning it of. I’m a light sleeper after 6 hours of sleep. But before that you would need to nuke me to wake me up. Keep practicing your dream recall will increase with time. Try going to sleep a little earlier during the week and give your body a chance to wake up naturally. Good luck.
I have had the exact same problem before. I suggest going to sleep a little earliar and doing the WBTB method once a night on those weekdays. And always, no matter how unclear the message, pictures, words,… write down anything you remember about the dream. If you don’t remember any of the dream then just write how you feel right when you wake up. All this will help you recall the rest of the dream. This takes time. Please don’t give up, I know you can do it. And when your alarm goes off, just take a deep breath, don’t let a bothering feeling come up in you. Pretend that the alarm clock will actually help you remember the dreams. Mind over matter, I’m serious about that.
I think I’m going to try to get to sleep earlier, so I wake up before my alarm goes off. Hmm… I normally go to sleep at 11:20 PM and wake up at 5:50 AM. I think the only way I could wake up before my alarm would be to get to sleep around 9:00 PM. I think the only way I’d be able to pull that off would be to skip a nights sleep or take a couple sleeping pills.
Does anyone know if sleep medications have any effect on lucid dreaming?
I have done that before. deprived myself of sleep one night, and was incredibly tired the next. Then I know that 1 minute after lying down, I will be asleep. So it worked for me to consciously go into a dream. But most of the time my mind would also be exaughsted from sleep deprivation, so I couldn’t ‘wake up’ in the deep dreams.
You must have an alert mind to LD. My best technique is to sleep in on a day off. Let’s say 1pm, you get up. Then excersise intensly for like 3 hours. So then by like 8 o’clock, your body will be exaughsted, but, having, been up for only 7 hours, your mind will be pretty wakefull still. That way, you can fall asleep quickly, but have a better chance of having your mind be awake to LD.
Sleeping pills… those have helped me stay in my lucid dreams longer, except it is hard to become lucid in the first place, 'cuz sleeping pills are heavy on the brain. I don’t recommend pills. Not good for your precious heart. Mind Control is the healthiest way known.
Hey Chaos i got a thing for ya, set your almar while you are still up, like set it for one minute from teh real time, and when it goes of say “what was i dreaming i will remember my dreams” or somthing like taht, do it like ten times then go to sleep. that you you can try and progeam your mind so when you hear teh alarm you remember your dreams
Last night I slept for 10 hours, asleep at around 10 pm then I woke up at 6 am wrote down my dreams and slept 2 more hours. I used MILD and the glass trick to try to try to remember my dreams . I woke up remembering 4 dreams, then went back to sleep for 2 more hours and remembered two for dreams. (I only had very low lucidity in two of my dreams)
I’ll try the same procedures tonight, but have my alarm clock go off in the morning and see if I have that good of recall tomorrow. Thanks for all the help.
Yeah, that’s what I meant. I’m sure there’s a real name for it, but ‘the glass trick’ was all I could think of. This morning with my alarm clock I was able to remember one dream clearly and parts of several others. I have some other things I’m going to experiment with. Maybe, try having a music alarm to go off before my beeping one to wake me up slower. I’ll keep working on it.
My problem is I can never get myself to bed early enough and I set my alarm to go of quite late, leaving no time for dream recall. If I set it earlier I might fall back to sleep again, not good if I have work. Week mornings are just a mad rush for me
I hate my alarm clock. It doesn’t do anything to make me get up. Weired. Wether my alarm clock foes off or not, I usually remeber my dreams. Unluckly, I usually think about something else on weekends, forgettting about dream recalling. It is now a future target to:
1.) Do a RC when I wake uo
2.) Attempt to remember and right my dreams down, even if it’s just notes.