Will it affect my LD, or my methods of obtaining one?
Will it affect my LD, or my methods of obtaining one?
I don’t see why it would. There are plenty of people with various disabilities that learn to lucid dream. Who knows it might even help you. At worst you may have to get creative with your techniques to work around your symptoms. Anyway it is hard to give specific advice until you start practicing. My advice would be to try and if you have any problems share them with the forum. There are a lot of smart people here to help.
Happy Dreaming.
Hello Jetsuo.
I feel I should inform you that ADD or ADHD as it is known where I live. Is the most over-diagnosed syndrome in the world. So chances are you don’t even have ADD. I was dignosed as having this years ago, and made to take an anfetamine (sp) like substance called Ritalin, now having already tried real Fet. I can tell you they are very similar, plus it didn’t help me at all. All it did was give me the horrible feeling of being off my tits everytime I was at school.
The reason why they diagnose it so quickly is simply because people (especially parents) like to place blame on something else other than themselves.
My reason for saying this is because I was diagnosed as having this, even though I was a totally normal child. The only problem I had was with authority, I talked the same as any other child in class, but when the teacher challanged me I would challange back. I don’t quite know why I used to do this, but i’m sure there is a reason.
Maybe I just have a stronger will than other kids, or at least I like to think so
So, in conclusion. Just because someone says you have ADD, doesn’t mean you do. The symptoms are so broad and wide ranging that you could say the 95% of children had this disorder. Though, some cases children actually do, those cases are however few and far between.
My 2c
Hi Jetsuo
I have a friend who has ADHD, and he has more LDs than i do.
I don’t think that it affects LDs but who knows.
Hope this helps to encourage you