look, first when i called at the spirit guide, there came a table, with paper and a pencil on it, like a contrakt, and i signet it
then i called for the spirit guide agian, and i saw something like this
" 1.5*10-(-10)+0.5-10 " in red
and i cant really remember how it was
do you have any ideas how i could remember this math task
thanks for ya help
I would say ask for a spirit guide again Elomono!
This time really want it to, like you want icecream in summer
I mean couple an emotion to it while you ask for it.
You can also ask dream caracters if they wanne bee your dream guide!
There are more ways then one…
15.5 thats what I got when I did the math. It probably not looking for a mathamatical answer, it is probably means something you can only solve in your dreams. In one of my dreams was given a paper with 99to the 9th to the 10th power.(sorry it’s kinda confusing) I had to answer it in my dreams and after I did, I met my spirit quide.