I was wondering how long you all thought I should wait before I start lucid dreaming. I’ve got real good dream recall, I can always remember my dreams, and a lot of them too. A scene from one of the dreams pop into my head, and I just relax and think backwards… I think, “How did I get there in my dream? Where did I come from to get here?” And then I can think back pretty far. Even though Ive only been trying to recall my dreams for a few days now, do you think since I have good dream recall, that I could try to have a lucid dream now? I think I might just do dream recall for the next two weeks, so I start remembering basically everything in all of my dreams. Also, I wake up, DIRECTLY after every dream. For the last 3 days I’ve been waking up at 5:10-5:17 AM. Then I try to recall my dream. I go back to sleep, dream again, and wake back up. Its kind of aggravating though, that I have to wake up evety hour or so.
As long as you have a good dream recall (which I think you already have), you may start immediately. Achieving a lucid dream can be quite difficult for some people, but don’t ever give up! You WILL have it, but you have to be patient.
Y i agree with DM7
Good Luck btw
actually doing Dream Recall and Lucid Dreaming at the same time worked great for me. Doing MILD, you can spend 3 min telling yourself to remember your dreams and 3 min telling yourself that next time you are dreaming you’ll know ur dreaming. I tried to have a MILD on the first night I learned about LDing. On the second night, I realized I was dreaming (but woke up immediately- staying asleep is kinda hard…)
Then after a few frustrating times I finally gave up after a week or so and then I had an LD… something just clicked into place and now I can stay in my dream.
P.S. Katttttt you no read my LD journal!!!
hi infection0!
Heh …i did MILD the 1st night i had a LD too(and like u i woke up shortly after)! Then while laying in my bed b4 going off to sleep i thought of the things i should do if i become Lucid in a dream…then i eventually fell asleep. Its great that u can stay in your dream^_^…have fun exploring in it.
P.S id be glad 2 read your D.J