i have an idea (Staying lucid, keeping hold of something)

please try this and tell me if it works i cant cause im not experienced yet. a way to prolong a ld: take something from your dream, something small like a flower or pocket watch, something that will fit in your pocket, and put it in your pocket. tell yourself, now that you have part of your dream in your pocket, you cant leave the dream.

Appended “(Staying lucid, keeping hold of something)” to the title, for clarity. Moved from Quest For Lucidity. :dragon:

That sounds very interesting! It’s almost like an anchor keeping you inside the dream.
I’ll defenatly try it in my next LD. :ok:

hm, interesting idea. :smile: Might just work.

hmmm… Ill definetaly try it tonight

Ive always thought of putting a protective bubble in the place your in in your dream, and its like a force field against fading dreams. If you get me :tongue:

Ill try this :wink:

Its all about tricking your SC really.

Sound tricky but next time I dream Ill put something in my pocket to remind that I dream. Do you mean with this quote

that you cant leave the dream. I dont have long LD’s but some are long and are you supposed to become a part of the pocket :confused: What do you mean with that :confused:

I don’t really understand the idea. Why would you stay lucid because of that?

If the object provides a sensation I see some potential. Because you are revive a fading dream by stimulating dream senses, so if you have something heavy, and feel the weight you can concentrate on the feeling while the dream is fading.

no you dont become part of the pocket. its just like you tell your brain that you cant take a part of your dream world into the real world so you cant leave because you will have part of the dream world in your pocket.

Maybe I misunderstood your 1st post. It was unclear. Of course if you put the dream world in the pocket you cant take it to the RW. So you mean that you put an item in the pocket you wont be able to leave the dream? Because youre aware of the item and can stay. Then Ill test this method when Im in a dream.

I don’t think 12341234 meant that awareness (i.e. weight, touch, etc.) of the thing in your pocket would keep you in the dream world.

I think what he meant, was that it was a psychological thing. Because you have a part of your dream in your pocket and that part can’t leave the dream world, it anchors you to said world. You can’t leave, because that part can’t leave.

Does this make sense? :eh:

exactly exactly exactly

this reminds me of once i was lucid, i tried to hold a door in the lucid dream

You could combine it with reality checks: Can you put the baby in your pocket? You can! Well then you must be dreaming!

Reckon I’ll give it a whirl. :happy:

I forgo to post i here… i had an LD and tried this, i could feel the object quite well and i put it in my pocket, but my dream faded a few seconds laer :sad:
Though my LDs dont last ages anyway. So its not too effective for me, but it is fun!

If you don’t feel the object, it’s just as good as taking a dream pill. Just a little mental trick, but you know it’s a trick, so you may doubt it. You will eventually realise that you don’t have anything from the dream world in your REAL pocket. It’s a dream pocket. At that point you might be able to skip the part that doesn’t really do anything and just convince yourself that you will not wake up, not because of any juju, but because you don’t want to.