I have lost the ability to recall dreams.

For the past 3 days, I can not recall even one dream. I have no idea why this is happening. I usually recall about 3 dreams every morning with loads of details to write about them. I usually can’t write all the details because its just too much. I just started recalling my dreams a couple weeks ago, so I’m fairly new to lucid dreaming. I have 3 books that I’ve read, but none of them can help me with my problem. Can anyone tell me what my problem is?

Thanks in advance. I’m absolutely desperate.

Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

There is no problem, it’s nothing to worry about, even the most experienced dreams have this sometimes, most people call this a dry spell. There a couple things you can do one being just taking a break, sometimes once you stop trying the recall goes up, thats usually what happens to me. Also if there is any external stress in your life right now that could also be a problem, just relax it will all be okay your recall isn’t gone just hiding :smile:

My main suggestion is to not worry about it. If you worry about it, you will expect it to happen again and this can end up hurting your dream recall. Just relax. I have been in your position and I can say that it will pass soon enough. Try going to sleep earlier, sleeping for a longer period of time, and writing down anything you remember, feel, and think you may have dreamt about. If you don’t remember anything, write “I don’t remember anything.” Throughout the day, think about what you may have dreamt about. I sometimes find that things I experience throughout the day remind me about things I dreamt about the night before that I didn’t recall when I woke up. If you have recalled your dreams before, you know that you can do it. It’s just a matter of faith and practice. Hope this helps!

How long do you think these “dry spells” would last? I guess all just forget about dreaming for the rest of the week at least. “Worrying” about it is probably further crippling my ability to recall. Thanks a lot for your input. It really helped.

I hate dry spells too. I get them all the time. They usually last about a week and then something totally unexpected sometimes happens (e.g. I would have a lucid dream/vivid dream on the weekends).

If you return to your sleep posture…especially how your head was oriented, it may help. If you’re a stomach sleeper and your face was left or right, return to that position and relax. It’s important to return to your sleep position so the blood flow to your brain is on the same side. I’ve had annoying but not scary dreams before and I just switch from my face being left to right and the theme of my dreams tends to change. Your heart slows down and other responses get sluggish so blood flow right brain/left brain does influence you. I don’t know about back sleepers. Any help there guys?

You might be trying to hard to remember since this dry spell started, and therefore its continuing. Just relax, and know your recall will increase eventually.

I’m almost 60 years old and the older I get, the more meds I take. I don’t know how old you are or what new meds you might be taking. Some meds actually increase dream activity but you tend to have less conscience control