That reminds me! Some years ago, I found a pretty little stone, during a walk. I don’t know why, I told me this stone could help me to have LD. Kind of magic.
But I hadn’t the slightest LD for many nights, and one day, very angry, I threw the stone away. The same night, I had a LD !
There is a hint of truth to it, though. Most people will claim that lucid dreams occur mostly in situations where you’re not under a great deal of stress, and failing to have an LD after a full day of intense preparation is a very stressful thing. This perpetuates when you fail repeatedly, and it starts to seem like your efforts are going to waste. Then, when you finally take a break, that stress dissipates you start to see more success. That doesn’t mean success is directly linked to giving up, or even cutting back on your efforts – it just means you have to be more graceful in defeat. Laugh it off, stay relaxed, and say to yourself, “there’s always tonight”.