I heard afternoon naps are good for WILDing… but this contradicts a fact I read. That it generally takes 4-5+ hours to reach the first state of REM sleep (unless you’ve recently been sleeping)… So how would LDing even be possible during a nap where you don’t even have time enough to reach your first dream state? (I don’t know about anyone else, but my naps are usually never longer than 3 hours… if I can even nap in the first place.)
I nap between 20 minutes and 2 hours at a time… almost daily. Sometimes I’ll have an undisturbed sleep, but sometimes, like the other day, I’ll lucid dream.
One of the latest ones was a very very conscious WILD which was, to be perfectly honest, very interesting to see the dream world form around myself. I think, like most things, it depends on the person and the circumstance… I’d be interested to hear what other people have to say about this.
I’ve LD’d in naps several times… I don’t know if they’re particularly good for LDing or if I was just lucky. I’d like to hear some other people’s opinions.
WILD is induced right after waking, and it works as well as other lucid dreaming techniques, doesn’t it? So you don’t per say need to sleep four or five hours before you can start dreaming, because WILD seems to be the exception with wich you slowly but immediatly after waking step into your dream. So this works as well for naps, when you WILD. Depending on how much time you need to WILD you can lucid dream in a short nap.
Naps (the most common one is in the afternoon, in the middle of the waking hours) are extremely good for LD’ing, as you almost instantly enter REM phase (unlike normal sleep, where you get some hours of deep sleep first) and you have the brain activity of the afternoon, resulting in easier and stabler lucidity.
Naps can be as short as 20 mins, the time spent napping diminishes with practice, and gets more REM-crammed.
Now that I think of it, I could get back to napping, as I’m in vacation now
I see well then I need to have my other problem solved that no one has answered yet. About being itchy… I start trying to focus on nothing but counting while trying to stay aware… then I get an itch and any progress (if I’ve even made any at all) is immediately disturbed… and if I try to ignore the itch it takes ages to go away or is just so strong that it becomes all I can think about.
I’m pretty sure if it weren’t for these random and very often I might add, itches… I think I could train myself to WILD fairly quickly…
What happens is I think I can get close to starting to fall asleep but then my itches distract me and I lose my focus on staying conscious and fall asleep normally. This is what happened to me earlier today. I napped for over an hour and I also recall no REM.
PSeanH, what I think you could try is itch. When you feel the itch move your hand slowly and gently and itch, then place it beck where it was. You should do this “naturally” without putting too much attention on it. I know moving breaks the progress of your WILD attempt, but I believe if you do it this way it might not put you back ythat much and if you keep your mind focussed on the WILD instead of the itch it just might help. Just give it a try if you have nothing else to try
thank you matt I will try that… So far all I’ve done is itched them at a normal rate… or I’ve tried to ignore them… it’s crazy because when I try to ignore them they just get stronger and stronger… and often in the time I’m ignoring the first one another one comes along… I really do get itches that often… I doubt I’ve gone a minute… probably even 30 seconds… so far while trying to WILD without getting an itch.
Also it’s not rare that the itch is in a hard to reach spot such as my shoulder blade.
I know that the times I’ve attempted WILD, it has felt like something was chewing on my ear…
I also heard maps were good, but I can never get to sleep … I just sorta lay there trying wild but with no success.
yeah I’m the same way… I need to be fairly tired to even think of sleeping… and at that point it’s hard to focus on anything… I don’t really know how I’m gonna achieve a WILD…
I have never tried napping much, because I was always too lazy. This morning however at about 10:30, i had gotten up at 8:30 I took a nap. Though I have never successfully WILD-ed, I came closer than ever during my nap. The dream itself was very vivid, and I was very aware of myself.
I am actually considering napping on a regular basis now.
I never dream during naps
It’s a matter of practice Well, for me at least. I rarely napped, but after a few times I started remembering tiny fragments of dreams.