I just caught word about this whole Lucid Dreaming thing and

Thought I’d give it a shot. I’m just wondering, since I started last night, How long do you think it will take before I have my first, truly lucid dream…

Well, it depends on several things like motivation, talent, etc. On average it takes between two weeks and a month if you practise every night.
Welcome to LD4all by the way :smile:

Really? Well, I’d like to think I’m commited enough and motivated enough to stick with it at least a month…

Ive been practicing LD for about a month now and just had my first lucid a few days ago. :smile:

Whatever you do, stick to it. Motivation is a very important featurei when it comes to LD’ing. Some may have their first within a few days, others may have to practice a little longer. Good luck, and welcome to this wonderful forum! :happy:

Hows the LDing goin for u gerbenvanetten?
I had a sort of vague low control LD the other day- but have had none since and poor DR.
Its true, motivation is the key…