Yesterday I found this site and I think that it’s great, I hade no idea of what lucid dreaming was before I saw it on the TV-show “Ed”. So, lucid dreaming kick regular dreaming ass .
So, I went to bed and did the regular “I will sleep now. I will dream, when I wake up I will remember my dream.” and since I looked at my hands all day long and asked myself if I were dreaming I did so in my dream, causing me to wake up a couple of seconds later.
When I laid in my bed, near 1 AM I rememberd the dream just fine and I was realy excited that I got a LD. Well, when I waked up at the morning I didn’t remember anything from the dreams story, just that I had a LD.
Now I’m thinking of I should keep a DD to remember them, are there many other people that are just like me and need to write a DD?
Then I wonder if you guys have any good tips for getting LD’s? I didn’t do anything special yesterday except that remember my dream thing and looking at my hands and I’m going to try MILD tonight.
So, any personal tips would make me realy happy.
And since I cant seem to find any info in how to do this WILD, could you explain what it is?
Thanks in advance. :
Some not important information is that it was a very special feeling for me. I was dreaming that I waited on the bus with my friends and the bus suddently came flying. I guess that it triggerd the “Am I dreaming?” question and I put my finger through the busstop wall. After that I woke up and ordinary, I NEVER wake up in the middle of the night. I was so happy
Sorry for any spelling errors, only 15 years old and swedish.
Next time you wake up like that (the ‘hey I’m dreamin!.. oh… now i’m awake’ thing) try and link your dream. it worked for me.
Basically, when you wake up, just lye there and think about the dream. but try and not get exicted, cos then you won’t be able to get back to sleep…
Oh, and dunno if you had enough time - but simply the feeling of being in an LD is cool .
As for WILD, I could tell you how to do it, but I’m sure that there are others here who could tell you even better, but I’ll give you the basic run down of what it is.
You either count, or focus on a certain point of your body or someting (like the sound of your breathing, or music, or the feel of you nose) until you fall asleep. It’s quite an advance technique, but it allows many people to induce LD at will.
the point of WILD is to actually never lose consciousness… it’s to fall asleep consciously where your mind is awake but your body is asleep and you just transition into the dream
like sureal said, i consider it an advanced technique and most newbies should probably stick to MILD (which has already brought you some success) not to discourage you from WILD, if that works for you, then great, but it’s most helpful to do MILD and WILD after you’ve been asleep for a while…6 hours maybe
as for you forgetting your dream. happens to me all the time. “i’ll remember that dream in the morning, i don’t have to write it down now” i tell myself. WRONG. i’ve forgotten it by morning. my advice: write it down before you forget it. good luck and welcome to to the forum
Foccusing on a single point keeps you aware whilst you fall asleep. I think that’s right at least… but it takes alot of practice.
And VILD is a method in which you visualise a scene where you are forced to take an RC (Pedro has his freinds nag him until he does). You visualise it over and over again until you fall asleep. You should dream about what you visualised, and thus become lucid.
Once again, I’m sure there are people here who could explain much better then me .
What everyone is trying to say is that after you wake up from a lucid dream (or any other dream for that matter) you should keep movement and arousal to a minimum, keep your eyes closed and keep yourself conscious. Before long you might find yourself back in the dream. If dreamlike images come to your mind, just play around with them (maybe visualize, imagine yourself participating in the dream) and before long you won’t be imagining it anymore, you’ll be in your lucid dream! Just visualize in first person and keep it in the back of your mind you’re still dreaming. It’s harder than it seems to not forget. Good luck.
First welcome to the forum and congratulations on your first LD.
I think keeping a dream journal is important. You will find that almost every one on the forum keeps a dream journal. It helps you with dream recall, understanding what your dreams are like ( very important ), and of course you can track your progress.
You should at least read the big WILD topic part 11 in the quest for lucidity section. For more information about WILD. The key with WILD is to fall asleep while maintaining only a slight bit of your consciousness.
For now I would stick with what has already worked for you then expand from there. You have plenty of time to experiment with different techniques.
Thanks milod, to bad I’ve already made 44 posts and been a member for 3 weeks.
Well, the problem to keep a journal is that I just can’t remember my dreams when I wake up, nothing tonight either. Yesterday was a exception with the 2 dreams. But I remember that I accidently put my alarm-clock that woke me up a hour early but I want back to sleep after that, I can’t realy remember if I remebered my dreams when I woke up of the alarm-clock.
I will try to set my alarm-clock again this night and look what happens.
everybody’s different, but personally… i HATE alarm clocks. i find i remember my dreams much better when i wake up naturally without its aid. i used an intention like this to help me wake up on my own (on the days i don’t have to get up that early)
“i will wake up after every REM cycle. i will remember my dream”
I don’t use alarm clocks either with WBTB. I don’t even have to give myself the suggestion that I will wake in the middle of the night any more. It as just become a natural part of my sleep pattern.
The problem with the alarm clock is that it can cause you to forget your dream. Wen the alarm clock goes off it shocks you awake first, then you are focused on waking yourself up more and then shutting the alarm off. Lets say all of this take you 15-20 seconds from the time the alarm goes off. You can forget your dreams in that short of time (at least in the beginning). Now if you gently wake naturally your very first thought will can be what was I dreaming not I have to turn off the alarm. By waking naturally you can just lay in bed and keep you thoughts just on what were you dreaming. Now I know that you can not afford to do that all the time. We all have school, work etc. But when ever you can allow your self to wake naturally. Also when you wake naturally you are more likely to wake out of rem sleep. Now for the nights you can’t wake naturally you can play with your wake-up or sleep time to try and wake yourself out of REM sleep. Try to adjust your sleep so you get an extra 15 min of sleep and see what happens. If you still have no memory of dreams adjust your sleep so you get an extra ½ hr.
when you do wake up. Write anything you remember down in a journal. Even if it is just dream fragments that make no sense now. Don’t worry if you keep practicing your dream recall will get much better. You will be surprised how quickly your dream recall will improve.
Before this lucid dreaming I remembered about 2 dreams a year. This last night I remembered 3 dreams at once. I can still remember them so I will start a Dream Journal here on the site later, now the only thing missing is to get a LD.