After doing MILD late night I had a dream about a concert.(probably since I was listening to music during WBTB.) Anyway me and a friend were at some concert playing trance music. All of a sudden the music died and Brintney Spears came out of nowhere and started singing. The crowd first went silent then we all booed her offstage(probably due to my bottomless hate for pop music). Then my friend mentioned spontaneously out of nowhere a comment something like “Don’t you wish you could be lucid right now” I didn’t even stop to do a reality check. And he CONTINUED to talk about lucid dreams in my dream and I never considered that I actually was dreaming…
The good part about this is at least I know MILD is working to some extent…But does anyone have any tips to be more aware of dream signs? If I can’t notice something this obvious there is a SERIOUS problem.