I think I’ve had lucid dreams quite often when I was around 7 years old. I used to live in this yellow apartment and almost every night I would have nightmares of being chased by little dolls, and sometimes chucky, trying to hurt me. After a while I guess I realized they were nightmares because in my dream I would kneel down and pray for it to end. Does that mean that I had been lucid in those dreams?
Yesss Yesss!
Yep. Those low level LDs are pretty common in childhood nightmares
Cool I don’t think I had them a lot when I was younger, but I do remember I became lucid in a nightmare I had when I was 7 or 8. This really nasty lady was kidnapping me and I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming and it didn’t hurt. Pretty much as soon as I became lucid, the dream ended. Isn’t it convenient how lucid dreams work that way?
Lol yeh, and when I had those nightmares I wouldn’t even think, “well maybe since im aware that this is a dream, I can make them disappear and then do something cool”, I guess the only thing on my mind when I became lucid was to get out of the nightmare quick.