I keep having dreams where I try, or think that im lucid

How do I make it where I actually control my dreams?

If you are lucid in the dream just try things. If they work great if they don’t move on to try something else. Most people’s first thing they can do is to fly and just going flying. As far as control all I know to tell you is to try to will whatever you want to happen to happen. Wave your hands like a spell if you think it will help or point at what you are trying to change or control.

If you wanted to go back in time (or better to say “rewind” the dream), I can’t describe how you do it, but you will it to happen and do your best to use your imagination and every now and then it works. Some people talk about changing landscapes in the dream and having fun with that. The limit is your imagination but I’m not going to tell you it’s easy. It can be easy at times I guess so don’t make it a big deal, just try stuff!

And if there is a way to start small, try to do what seems easy or comes naturally first and build up from there. An example of that is trying to bring someone you want to meet into the dream. Just imagine they are around the corner and they just might be there as you go around it. That doesn’t have to be a person either, it could be an object like a car or a house, it could be an animal.

“Try stuff”

I like this! Experiment…see what happens :sunglasses:. Every failure and success is a learning opportunity

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I mean where I dont fell lucid. Like my subconcious knows im in a dream just not my concious.

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That’s pretty normal. We even have an acronym for that, FLD (false lucid dream). In general it is a good sign on your journey to true lucidity. It means your brain is processing the topic already and it made its way into your dreams.

The next step is to work on your awareness in waking life. Put away your phone more often in favor of living in the here and now. There’s a set of questions to ask yourself regularly throughout the day outlined by LaBerge in his book the world of lucid dreaming:

  1. What am I seeing right now? Be surprised at all the detail the world has to offer that you didn’t realize before.
  2. What sounds can I hear? I bet you didn’t notice all the animals singing in the background.
  3. What can I feel right now? You never realized how sensitive your body can be to temperature, moisture, wind. And the clothes on your body which you bodily ignore 99.9% of the time.
  4. How about inside? Feeling a little hungry already? Also suddenly you realize your shoulder is getting stiff, long before any pain would reach you in your everyday stupor.
  5. What is your heart saying? Are you happy, even elated? Or is there an anxiousness gnawing at you these days?
  6. What is your brain saying right now? Listen for a while to the mental chatter inside your gray matter (but don’t respond!).
  7. What did you do prior to getting into your current situation? Retrace some steps (a few hours, I’d say) and see if it makes sense.
  8. Where are you going? What’s your plan right now, or the general mood of the situation?

Basically take inventory of everything that makes up your world in this instant, including a temporary (and thus casual) component. Think of this exercise as an extended reality check. One that is going to be truly effective unlike just going through an acquired ritual.


That’s a great list of things you can do in waking life and a good refresher for all of us. I definitely recommend Laberge’s book as well. Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. And keeping a dream journal. What you are describing is common and most of us had similar experiences before we went fully lucid in a dream. It’s a process but one that so many people have been through. You are well on your way.

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