I lost all of my LDing skills =/

I really don’t know where the decline began. In the long run, I went from 2 LDs a week to 1 LD a month or less. I think I took a break for a while and I came back to find that it has been a lot harder inducing an LD and it has been the same ever since. All the same techniques don’t seem to work anymore, and new ones aren’t a bit better either.

I don’t know what to do and don’t know if I should just quit for a while or what… :sad:

look over your personal reasons to LD and your goals with them

personally, my WILD method gives results, yet it takes much time off my day and is sometimes tiring
MILD also seems to make lighter sleep and less rest
I look at my interests, see what I value most, and weigh up how much energy I devote to LDing.

I dont think i can help u. but Pilot in which way do MILD make u lighter sleep?

ya , it happens for me befor. it seems that as LDing become more important for you, it become more difficult.
my suggestion is dont give up.
the idea is simple, if you stop trying to get LD for sometime maybe it will work for you and after that you attain LDs but after some period you will reach to the exact situation that you are now.but if you worlk continusely it just like you make your potentioal more bigger even it dont got result immidiatly.
actually this is not easy , but you can do something . live like you are LDing, see like you are in the dream .

this is what i will do if i start again to get LDs. :wink:
good luck.

Trancewave, you lost your LD skills?
Do you remember where you put them last? :tongue:
heh, joking … kinda.

Has this been happening all year? Maybe it’s just the season. I think I LD more in the Winter than Summer. It may have to do with being more active or the different temps in the seasons.

I’m hoping its related to my summer break. I do a lot more RCs and such while listening to boring lectures in high school, so that may have been why I have had more LDs over that period of time. I’m passing it off as a phase and I’m just going to get back into it next month. I’m a lot more mentally active during the school year, so it might just be the summer laziness getting to me.

something else , when i have a long LD or something that i really wana do in LD after a long time i do stop LDing for a while .
there is no particular resean for that , some say thats unconscious and some said cus of energy.

was you latest LDs long or heavy?

when I try too hard to MILD, I end up with insomnia and sometimes more vivid dreams. that gets me tired.

For some reason I always seem to get more LDs the less I do RCs during the day :bored: The last two weeks I have been doing lots of RCs and I have been thinking about LDing a lot. The result, not one LD for over 2 weeks. Two days I stopped doing RCs and now I got LDs. I guess that this could be a coincidence, but then again it might not :confused:

JaRoD: perhaps it takes some time for the RCs to have some effect on your subconsciousness. I frequently experience this too with dream incubation: it only has a substantial effect if the practice becomes a habit.
Other possibility: you were trying too hard, so LDing gets blocked, no matter how hard you tried. Only when you dropped the pressure, subconscious conditions were back normal to get LDs. I could be wrong ofcourse :smile:

It did become a habit :grin: when I was doing them for 2 weeks. And I can’t think that it would take more than 2 weeks for my RCs to come into my dreams. It could have been that I was trying too hard though.

It doesn’t matter now because I had lots of them last night :cool_laugh: they where a bit short though. And all I did was try to remember to write down my dreams and I did do a 1 hour long WBTB while I was writing down some dreams.

Hehe ok then. In my case however, two weeks of doing lots of RCs isn’t enough to make it a habit.

Congrats with the LDs! :content:

There are so many things that can effect your lucid dreams. Poor sleep, medication, drugs/ alcohol and even stress. All I can suggest is that you keep practicing and things will improve. Look back in your DJ and see if there is a difference in your sleep/dreaming pattern.

hmmmi can relate there as well but i am aware of why i have lost mine, it is all to do with the dream journal, do u still keep it? and how much effort do u put into it if you get that back u may find ur skil commming back as well