I made blue lighting

Like everyone else WILD is the one I want to master. Two or three weeks ago I had alot of free time for pratice. On one nigth I was trying WILD my body was tired and relaxed. As I was laying motionless for an hour. I was getting frustrated that SP wasn’t happening by now. I was getting every thing else the HI the colors the memory impressions, but on SP.
So I decided if my body was going to be stubbron and not go in to SP. I was going to play around with the HI. I was trying to make things apper, that really wasn’t working. Then the color blue apper. I dont remember what I was thinking about or what made me do it. All I did was focus and made blue lighting. there were lots of them and they were striking around in the blackness of the eyelids. The more I focus the brighter and stronger that got, also as this was happening my body was tinggling maybe light vibertions I don’t know. I do know I wasn’t in SP. Its funny how you lay there over and hour and you just know you can move if you wanted to. So thats what I did I called it a night rolled over and went to sleep.
oh, I was able too do the lighting strikes on another night. Maybe I have something here. Keep you posted.