I made it!!, yeeee!!

At last!!, a decent LD!, and induced by a DC.
I was dreaming some girl was signing autographes for me, and the dream repeated several times, but one time she signed my hand instead of a paper, and more later in the dream she tolded me: “What’s that?”, I tolded it’s her firm, that I didn’t had time to bath, and she told: “No, not that, you have like 7 fingers”. hahaa, she was right!. I then touched a wall with a rough texture, and the dog of my grandma, how real!. Then I had a FA, luckily I remember to check my hands.
My goal was to speak to God, so I went to my backyard and tryed to go up, but couldn’t control anything on the dream, I climbed a tree and tryed to jump to my house’s ceiling, but I was afraid of falling, the lucidity went down there…anyway then I had another FA.
I felt like drunk, so I remembered to look at objects and focus, and that feeling went away. I remember beeing very happy in my dream couse I knew it was a dream, I picked up a panflet from the floor remembering that things you read keep changing, I read the title, looked away and it changed into something else, I laughed and gived the panfelt to my mom and said to her: “Haha!!, try to read this”. I went to my backyard again and this time there was a stair, a very ugly one and I went up with my brother, there I found I was in an old building but very clean and it was like new, so I went to the reception and asked if I could see God, she said to take seat, and shortly a man with pony tail appeared and said that God was unavaiable, that he would answer my questions (well… it’s God, he must be busy all the time). I think I lost all my lucidity again there, I didn’t knew what to ask him, then a very loudly talk from a lot of people of the previous room was annoying me, so I went the them, and song a note very like opera!!, like a pro, so they applaud me, I went back to speak with the pony tail man, but he said there was no more time…

well, I’m very happy with my achievement, I couldn’t change anything from my dream, but well, that would come some time. I remember that in one point of the dream I closed my eyes and wished that when I open them I would be in a desert, didn’t succedd. I think it was not a very high lucidity, nevertheless I reminded me it was a dream several times.

LOL! Nice dream, and congrats!

In one of my first LDs i searched for God. It was pretty long dream and i asked from different DC-s where can i find God. Until finally someone lead me to a corner within a church saying that usually they put Him there. The corner was filled with some wooden stuff, so i started to search there, but found no one :tongue:

hahaa, this is a slippery (hideous?) god
it’s amazing how the mind makes up a very original story in dreams

Congrats on your first LD, Pancra85! :smile:
It’s funny to see that you’ve obviously been influenced by the topic about DC’s helping dreamers in reaching lucidity! :grin:

Interesting dream, and grats on yer ld :content:
Once you go LD you never go back!

:rofl: :cheer: :hurray:

Hooray… doesn’t it feel good.

Congratulations :smile: :clap: :partying_face: :beer: :thumbs:

Congrats! :boogie: :beer: :cheer: :hurray: :partying_face: :mrgreen_hat: :mrgreen_hat: :balloon: :thumbs: :ok: :good: :ok: :hug: :yinyang:

heheee, thank you very much people!!, of course this will not be possible without people like you (and of course pasQuale), I love this comunity!!!

heh that is so awesome… congrats and all that good stuff! :content:
this is such a great place! heh, good people these are.
im all excited to hear about your next lucid dream?

yeah, I don’t know, maybe I should make my DJ here, the problem is that I must translate all the dream to english (I speak spanish)