Last night, I didn’t become lucid, and I missed a whole bunch of really obvious dream signs. However, my dreams were interesting anyway, so I felt like I’d had an interesting experience anyway.
First of all though, let me take this opportunity to tell you about another dream I had in the same night. I think it happened in the first period of sleep, before I woke up to do the WBTB method, but for some reason I only remembered it when I woke up after the 2nd bit of sleep.
I was sat at a computer amongst other people, like as if it was a job or something. Opposite me was a girl that I’ve seen in real life at my friend’s house (a quiet girl that kept looking at me). We were looking at each other. I was writing things that were somehow secret, I think they were sexual things, and I didn’t want anyone to see them, especially not my (female) boss who was walking around us sometimes. Writing about these sexual things gave more pleasure than writing them in real life would. The girl opposite, she came round to look at what I was writing, and seamed constantly interested in me and what I was doing. Then my memory of the dream goes blurred from that point, but some other things happened but I can’t quite remember what they were. Something to do with rooms in a building or something, not quite sure.
The funny thing is, I’m actually unemployed at the moment, plus I don’t actually fancy this girl at all. For some reason I didn’t question these things in the dream, but nevermind. But I feel that is almost irrelevant when compared to what signs I missed later on…
Anyway, then a while later I woke up before my alarm was going to go off. It was about 4:20am or something like that. After about an hour of being on the computer and then watching the swirly thing (this time with the Brainwave Generator going), I went back to bed with earplugs in.
I had a false awakening, where I woke up with the TV switched on, and although this seamed a bit weird at the time, I thought it was completely real. This makes absolutely no sense, seeing as I had only watched TV in bed before going to sleep the first time, but I hadn’t watched TV in bed after my early awakening.
I tried to switch the TV off by using the remote, but it refused to be switched off, and instead it just changed channels each time I pressed the off button. :oh:
Next thing, I noticed a video machine was on, with it’s clock flashing 00:00. This was another dream sign, because I don’t keep the video player in my room. :oh:
Next thing, I was sat at my computer and it was switched on, but for some reason I didn’t want to be using it, so I tried to switch it off, but it refused to be switched off. The power button kept getting jammed in or out, but wasn’t doing anything to the computer.
Next thing I was aware of, I was lying in my bed, and I could hear my parents. Yet another dream sign, because I was actually wearing ear plugs. I heard the phone ring, and immediately thought that it might be for me, so I started to wake up. This part I was totally convinced at the time that it was real, yet a bit later I asked my parents, and they said that the phone hadn’t rung at all this morning. :oh:
But despite not becoming lucid, my dream recall is getting better, which is all part of the same thing. Plus, I found the whole experience interesting and exciting. I still feel like I’m getting closer, due to the fact that I had all these bizarre/interesting experiences and managed to remember most of them.