I need a spiritual recharge...

I know I said I was going to take a brake, but… maybie some other time. Ive been drained spiritualy for awhile now, Ive been thinking of getting a black light insence, and some newage music, and meditate to see if I can reach some sort of spiritual awarness, but I doubt it. I live in Oklahoma, and there arnt many woods around for me to take walks in. When I lived in N.C. there were woods everywhere, and I loved walking through the forest. I was allso with friends who were like minded, and we were all pretty spiritual, and open minded. I dont know anyone in Oklahoma socialy, and compared to N.C. it lacks spiritual atmosphere. I hate it here, and that is feeding alot of negative energy. This websight helps to some degree, but were not really togeather, your words, and mind are here, but you soles are not.

You can still experience this through visualising it or incubating a dream about walks in woods. :content:

Aren’t our souls really our words and mind? Also in the chatrooms you can experience real time conversations with ld4all members. So I disagree with your comment about us not really being together. :eh:

Greetings, Kavaa,

Your post sounds much like how I felt when I moved back to Oklahoma from Montana. For a place that claims to be the buckle of the bible belt, Oklahoma can really squash your spirituality! :neutral:

I live in the woods in ne OK. Nature saves me. Also, it means more than I can say to have LD4all and Sea Life available to me! The souls are here! :wink: I don’t feel nearly so alone! I know what you mean about not having anyone to talk to about spiritual things. Bible thumpers are too comfortable with their narrow ideas here. It messes them up if you question or challenge the things they say. So self-righteous…and always wanting to ‘crack down’ on one thing or another. As a result, many who disagree simply say nothing.

Letting people tell you about their dreams can sometimes open other areas of conversation! :grin:

North Carolina, USA is a lovely place. I stayed in Ashville with a friend for a while. A new member of my dream team over at Sea Life is from NC. :cool:

The area around Boone is freaking awesome! I am not a bit surprised that you would miss it. If you have a chance to travel to se Oklahoma, it will relieve your missing mountain factor.

There are many powerful, spiritual places here in this state, but I feel what was done to the native people will forever vibrate here. In fact, I have been doing research on what I might do to heal some of the energy I feel here sometimes. (Any suggestions welcomed!) I live just across a small river from an old burial ground.

So, Kavaa, you and I have felt a small part of the way the native people felt when they were forced to leave those amazing mountains (NC and MT) and live in Oklahoma. So much pain. :sad:

Sometimes we just have to concentrate on not being drawn into the fear and drama that surround us. Find something you love and do something creative in that direction. It will make you feel better.

You are not alone…

some helpful knowledge given humbly:
the worlds is the greatest story, winding up to a great climax and resolution. each part of life, every walk taken, every person seen, every passing car and falling raindrop are carefully orchestrated and thoughtfully put in place. every person has a destined path, and if you follow that path life is bound to suprise you with the symphony that is light passing over the hills and through the trees to the icy ground you are standing on, just a beautiful thing you were there to observe. try doing new things, going new places, talking to new people. you’re bound to find somthing worthwhile.

Didn’t read the long posts or anything. But if you want a ‘spiritual recharge’, try standing next to a running microwave for a few hours. If that doesn’t work, putting yourself near lead paint should work.

Edit: Wait a second. I must be thinking of something else.

Sometimes the simplest thing can be the most important thing.

I have a quote that might help you out, “Walk on the earth.” It’s about desiring less equals less sufferings. :biggrin: Buddha stuff.