i need help please!

i am trying to do a wild before bed each day. i know i am getting close to rem sleep because i start to go through some sp. my mussel get tight, i get warm and cold, so on and so on. well then all of a sudden when i start to feel like i am falling but coming back up rapidity, my eyes start to feel almost like there twitching but then after a few seconds of that my eyes open and i wake up. then i look at the clock and about hour and a half has passed. wtf is this and how can i pass it?

From what i understand, you just barely got there. if i know anything, at that point where you feel your body going away and your fully relaxed… one of two things, either think about random things, or dont think about anything and just “watch” your thoughts , if there are no thoughts, you think about things and slowly fall asleep… once you see HI etc, just try to fall asleep while it is happenning

that is the problem. my eyes just open at that point, i don’t open them they just do. sometimes they close others that don’t bet ether way i just end up waking up. ill try thinking of something, or not thinking whatever but i am also going to try making myself extremely tired tonight.

I know exactly what you mean dude. I’m always trying before sleep. After awhile I start getting the falling sensation but then i fade back to reality and my eyes open. Then I look at my clock and anywhere from 1-2 has passed by. It sure is a time killer though.

You are making many mistakes but i’ll help you out step by step

Firstly, WILD is extremely hard to do before bed to achieve lucidity more easily through the WILD method, do it while doing the WBTB method

Your second mistake is that your not even close to the REM (rapid-eye-movement) phase, this occurs 5-6 hours after you go to sleep. This is when the most vibrant and lasting dreams occur.

Try setting your alarm clock or a timer to wake you up after 6 hours of sleep, then when it wakes you up during the midst of night get up for 10-30 minutes (the longer the better) then go to sleep and try WILD (it is better if you lie on your back).

Now how you actually do WILD

I have achieved lucidity through this method countless times and this is what i do:

I lie on my back and close my eyes, I relax my body muscle by muscle (from my feet to my head) and then lie motionless trying not to think about anything at first.

Taking long deep breaths helps your body relax faster, think of logical problems like math to keep your mind busy (this is a good thing because while your doing this your body is actually falling asleep).

After a good 15 - 20 minutes your body should feel very warm and your muscles by now should be twitching regularly (don’t get excited, this is the turning point) :wink:
Many first-timers fail at this point and just go to sleep in frustration.

Next, if you haven’t bailed out already, with your third eye (it’s hard to explain) I start to see a white cloudlike image hanging before me.

(this is where it gets complicated)

With this white cloud (like a blank canvas) you could “paint” the dreamworld you would like to enter; your setting, characters, etc .

Hope that helps :wink:

ok yes i know that wilding before bed it very hard. i also know that 5-6 hours in is the best rem sleep. but i am mainly looking to just try to get into one of the first REMs. i would try waking up at 5-6 hours in but my alarm clock would wake the hole house. plus i know its better not to get out of bed so suddenly but my alarm clock just kind of scares the ■■■■ out of me if i am sleeping and i jump out of bed.

thanks for the help though.

With that white stuff, I get it whenever I’m doing WILD + WBTB, does it kind of seep in from the corner of your eye and pool into the center. It always does for me.

Ya, it does for me too.

Ya the alarm clock could scare you but how does that interfere with you getting out of bed?? :confused:

because it make me jump and i find that when that happens i tend to forget a dream i was just haveing

I think this might just be the phrasing, but REM doesn’t only happen 5-6 hours after we sleep, that is the best time to try and LD because the longest REM periods are there, but we have REM periods throughout the night, and can get lucid in them just like the others. :smile:

I understand that can be a problem with using an alarm clock to wake up, but if you are using WBTB to attempt WILD it might be your recall from the previous dream could suffer a little. The chances are your recall of any dream after you wake up and sleep again will be improved.

You could also try using auto-suggestion to wake yourself up, but if you really can’t use WBTB, afternoon naps can be a better time to try WILD than when going to bed for the night.

I have the opposite problem–my alarm clock never wakes me up as far as I know. I don’t remember hearing it…I have it right next to my head so I should be able to hear it from bed, but somehow I don’t. I guess I just sleep too deeply, because my mom can hear it from the other bedroom. :neutral:
Besides alarm clocks and autosuggestion, how can I wake up without help from other people?