I need help waking up

Here’s my problem.

I have trouble waking up in the morning, I’ve put LD’s on hold for the time being, I need help waking in the morning.

I get home from work at midnight and have to wake up at 6:00AM… so I usually end up with 5 hours and a few minutes of sleep. Which sucks incredibly.

When the alarm goes off in the morning I slap the snooze button… I just never want to get out of bed. It goes off every 7 minutes and I just keep slapping it.

I just can’t seem to get up and am always late to school as a result.

I set it to 6:03, I end up getting up at 6:50 and it’s really depressing. My friends suggested when the alarm goes off I just stand… but I’m so beat it isn’t even funny. I already moved my alarm to my feet so I have to sit up to turn it off, but it isn’t helping at all.

What should I do?

Move your alarm even more, so you have to get up and walk across the room to stop it. You could also get some coffee (Cola if you don’t like coffee) ready the night before and put it next to your bed so you can wake up 15 mins early and just stay in bed drinking.

Try drinking some water before going to bed. I find that when i wake up ill need the toilet and even if i turn over after about 10mins ill wake just killing to go to the toilet and it makes me get up.

Get a few more alarms (your mobile phone has one) and move them far away.

Give up your job! You have school anyway.

Perhaps get some electronic thingy to connect to the room lights, so it turns on 10 minutes before your clock goes off. Harder to sleep with full lights on. Perhaps get a interrogation light aimed at your head too hehe :wink:

Another thing to try is napping during the day if you have time.

I would suggest cutting down on the work yes. All work and school and no play is not good for you.

I am just like that. I am so bad that often times I would never even become conscious that my alarm ever went off and I would wake up way later than my alarm was set for. And people always told me to put the alarm across the room, but that wasn’t loud enough to wake me up. So I thought of something. This is what I did:

I put one alarm right beside my head as I lay in bed. I put one across the room by my television, one half way to my shower and one right next to my shower. All four of them go off at the same time, so when I hit the snooze button on the one next to me, there is still three alarms going off, so I go shut them off and I end up right next to the shower and I get in.

I thought of this when I got my job at Fed Ex and had to start waking up at 4:30 A.M. Works very well.

Flush your face with water when you wake up, if you can. It really helps to wake you up.

Quit school that way you won’t have to wake up that early

-leave work earlier
-ask 4 diff shifts
-move ur clock across the room so that that u need to get up out of bed completely
*ask family to wake up up

…if al else fails… quit job :shrug:

Well i have a little theroy that takes work. To start off, it might not work for everyone but i figured i tell you anyways. When you are in bed right before you go to sleep think to yourself and say i am going to wake up at exactly 6:00am tomorrow morning. Keep thinking this till you fall asleep and if it worked you will wake up at around six completly rested. It might not work the first time but if you keep tring its bound to work. Thats par say you want to try that hard at it.

P.S. I have down it about ten times and it truly works. for further Q?s fell free to email me. i aslo have many other great theroies that hold true.

fire wake up