Do you have a spare quid? I’m being done for treason, for prefering @ss to arse. If you want to help me out, send £1 to me @ pobox #### Nothing good will come of it other than me getting a £1.
You are not claiming to collect for charity or anything. (Well, except yourself of course)
you are not selling anything
You are not committing any kind of fraud. In fact, you clearly state that “no good will come of it except I will get a dollar”.
Of course you will have to hire a lawyer to make sure you are not violating any laws I have not thought of so, upon further consideration I guess that won’t work.
You can sell blood. I have done it, but you only get 50 kroner for a full plastic thing. Any you cant do it more often than once a month, to allow the blood to grow back
Pyramid games? One of my friends made 15 000 kroner in one…of course you have to find a fairly new one and jump off it before it gets illegal
go out at night and bash the shit out of coke-machines and steal the coin-container… have some extra tools if the container is attached to something. this is lots of fun too!
team up with some of your best friends late at night and rob people, threathening the victim should be enough (i don’t like the idea to hurt people or to steal from them but if you are desperate)
if you have any festivals near your city, pay to get in and start stealing stuff from the tents, sell them later. be friendly to someone and after some chit chat ask him to go to the woods (or any desolate place) to get your beer, say that you put them there to cool them off in the water or something. then rob him. i actually recommend this one because people at festivals have lots of cash for beer and food for a couple of days
you can start dealing hashish, ask a dealer (preferably someone you are friends with) to give you some to sell, cash in the profits… the problem is that if you smoke yourself you’ll probably fuck up and if it isn’t a friend of yours you’ll get your ass kicked
the most risky one for last:
ask someone with a car to drive you to a small village and rob the local store, you’ll probably need a weapon but that won’t be a problem. the genius of this plan is that it takes police a while to come to small villages… this maybe won’t work in all countries, but here it does.
oooh oooh i forgot!
you can break into a sports-store storage rooms and steal brand name clothes and sell them
to really cash in, have your customers ready, ask them what sizes they have and so on
you should try selling drugs, it’s very easy, you make a lot of money quick as long as you have a lot of customers. And as long as you just stick with the same customers that you know aren’t police you should be fine. It’s not that much work either, just pick up stuff…and then wait for calls and drive around and drop stuff off…come to think of it…I’m getting my license soon…