Ok, I’m almost at the 1 month point and I have had 1 short LD. I must admit I am getting frustrated.
I have been keeping my dream journal religiously. I do RC’s regularly thoughout the day. I have a list of major dream signs and think about them all the time. I do RC’s everytime I see anything out of the ordinary. I use the hand technique before bed most nights. I focus my intent to recognize my dream state and my dream signs before bed and after I awake from every dream. I am trying MILD when I wake up at night. Everynight I go to sleep Optimistic, and every morning I wake up frustrated.
I don’t recognize dream signs or dream state in my dreams. I am having little success. Even if I was just questioning my dream signs or state that would be promissing, but ever since my last LD I haven’t noticed a thing.
Are there any of you that started off with these issue and have gone on to be very successful at LD’ing?? I’m just looking for some motivation.
Just be patient. There is no rush to have lucid dreams.
Just continue to practice, perhaps taking a break every once in a while. I tend to go in cycles. Some months I will have many lucid dreams, other months I will have few or none. Notice in my sig that I am still on one?
Consider specifying one or two nights a week as lucid dreaming nights, while just letting yourself dream normally the rest of the time. Make those nights special and the practice might become easier for you.
You could try using a technique that has had a high success rate in this particualr problem…
… take a break .
You’d think I’m not being serious, but try it. Two weeks should be enough. During those two weeks, you should not come onto this site (or any other LD’ing). You should not take RC and should not think about LD’ing at all. At night you shouldn’t use your techs.
But you should still keep a DD.
After the break go strait back to doing it all again.
Another point for taking a break: you’re now putting all your effort into it, and seems that you’re very frustrated. If you continue, you’ll “burn out” and lose all your motivation.
Have you tried the wake/back to bed method? If not read up on it, it’s extemely effective for most people (you are many times more likely to have a lucid dream if you use this method). Use it with the MILD method.
I experienced simillar frustrations when I was starting out. It took me nearly six months before I could induce my first lucid dreams, and even then they weren’t regular.
If you’re like me and you don’t have the patience to wait for the usual methods to work, there is an alternative. Get yourself a NovaDreamer.
Of course these are expensive, but they are SO worth the money. I bought mine secondhand for about half the usual price and since using it (about a month now) I can now have lucids every night (my record is four in one night while also using the wake/back to bed method).
It can really kickstart your abillity to have dreams, and also increases the success rate with all the other methods (purely because it gives you such confidence in your abillity).
Good luck!
I agree with all the calls for a break, I’d even say spend two weeks on two weeks off.
How about a goal, something you really want to do in an LD, imagine it as best you can whilst awake, daydream about the reality. Think about the suprise and excitement you’ll feel when you acheive your goal. Don’t go for a short LD go for a long screamingly high LD that will feel like you’ve plugged yourself into the mains.
Try to put thoughts about “I must see this dream sign and so on,” focus on how great its going to be when you get there. One of the reasons we clamour for them like crack addicts after a hit is cause they, “are” rare, maybe if they were every night we’d get board.
lucidcrossroads.co.uk/dreamlucid.htm this page has some good accounts of how startelingly real it can be, take your time and read some, you subconciuos will get the message that this is really going to be good and can’t be missed!
When Surreal said that the NovaDreamer doesn’t work for everyone he/she was right, but that’s only true if you use the course that comes with the NovaDreamer. There is another method of using the NovaDreamer which is amazingly successful and almost foolproof. The method I am using gives me lucid dreams every night. The only downside to this method is that you always have to wear the NovaDreamer. You can’t really learn other methods while you are using this one, but it involves no daytime reality checks, just a basic setting of intention before you go to sleep.
Used in this way, the NovaDreamer will give you more lucid dreams than you ever thought possible. It’s almost hard not to lucid dream if you use this method.
But this post wasn’t really about the NovaDreamer so let’s get back to other methods. I would advise anyone who is having trouble with lucid dreaming to use the sleep/wake/ back to bed method. If you are someone who can go back to sleep easilly after being awake for an hour then this method will increase your chances incredibly.
Try it for a couple of weeks, it’s a great method.
Make sure you use it with the MILD method for best results.
I agree. A lot of people find using the WBTB method easier for learning lucid dreaming. The only thing I would change would be do not stay up for an hour. Go right back to sleep after you wake up. If you don’t have to get out of bed then don’t. If you can don’t even move. Go back to sleep using either WILD or MILD. Since you are only up for a short time it won’t disrupt you sleep also you should not have a hard time getting back to sleep.
Ha and the nova dreamer thing. You could also hook up a strobe light to a timer (much cheaper). The nova dreamer is a great invention but over priced.
Good luck and happy dreaming.
Milod drops a quarter in the lucid wishing well for jvib.
Wow Jvib you really are trying hard and doing your best!
Thats obvious!
Still try to be patience because u cant force it to happen!
I know thats not so easy when u work so hard for it, but the best is really to be patience becausae frustration prob only work against you.
I wish you get a lucid dream soon again!
What ever you do dont give up
Thanks for the info guys. I think I will take a bit of a break and not get so frustrated. I had great dream recall last night and I will be happy with that for a while.
Jvib if you want better Dreamrecall use the jeff smell tech
Jeff coffee smell tip for better recall of dreams.
Put a bowl of ten scoops of grounded coffee powder in your bedroom, the smell will give u way better dreamrecall.
Can be the smell is to strong then use less scoops of grounded coffee.
Smell activates a part of the brain also when u are in rem.
and with to strong coffee smell u wont even be able to sleep or sleep very light. When u drink coffee this of course works less good.