I need some help?

I have tryd to remember my dreams but i haven’t get eny this week.The week before i hade like 3 dreams that i remember but now is like i have just stopt?

I have a journal that i have writing all dreams the week before but not this week i don’t know what hapend can someone help? :cry:

:welcome: First, welcome to LD4All!

If you’re having trouble remembering dreams, I would recommend just writing down any feelings you have when you first wake up. If you feel kind-of happy, write that down. Eventually those feelings will turn into objects (Ex. I was feeling happy, and that feeling is associated with a cat.) Those objects will become fragments, and then complete dreams.

It doesn’t have to happen in that order, either! When I first started, I could hardly remember anything! I wrote down feelings and after a few days I suddenly could remember entire dreams with extreme detail.

Good luck! :content:

Thank you for the help :wink: i will try and one more thing i remembered my dream this night =D
And Good luck for you to ^^