I need some Lucid Advice.

I’ve been trying to Lucid Dream for a while, I’ve had about 4 but they all ended within seconds and they were fuzzy; not clear. this was a while ago. I just want to know anything else I can do to maybe have one real soon. they say it’s a pursuit.

Hi, frankie, welcome to LD4all :welcome:

There are a variety of things you can do to help incubate a dream. I suggest you begin doing RC’s as often as possible, contantly questioning whether you are awake or not. This behavior and slight doubt will transfer to dreams. Also, you can try MILD or autosuggestion. As you fall asleep, tell yourself “I will remember to do a reality check while I am dreaming tonight,” or even better “In ___ hours/minutes, I will remember to do a reality check.” Set the time to be during an REM cycle, typically 5-6 hours after first going to bed.

There’s a lot more you can do to induce an LD, and I really recommend you check out the FAQ’s and Tutorials section.

As for your LD quality, there are a few things you can do. One is to shout out “increase lucidity (or vividness) now!” And I mean shout, don’t just think or whisper it. Also, you could put on a pair of glasses or rub your eyes to get rid of the fuzziness (be careful rubbing eyes, however).

One other important thing is to anchor your dreams. Using your sense of touch is great for this. Examine objects in your dream world and see how they feel, rub your hands, slap yourself, do excersize. Anything you can do to get your dream body active will help. This will also help with the vividness. Finally, if you begin to wake up, start spinning an rubbing your hands. This is a well known technique to help stay in dreams.

All of this just skims the surface. Fell free to ask more questions, and remember to read around the forum for other great ideas!

Thank you for the advice rhewin, I will still pursuit lucid dreaming even if I feel it won’t work, I will try because I want it and so it will happen.

Hi, Iv been trying to have lucid dream for about 2 months now and lately Iv had great sucsess with WBTB and I think you should give it a try

What I do: When I go to bed I practise MILD “I`m dreaming and I am lucid” until I fall asleep, but if it keeps me awake I normaly quit after a while. My alarmclock is set to wake me up after 5-6 hours where I normaly write down any dreams I remeber upon awakening, drink some water and than go back to bed. I think writing down dreams is important since it puts my mind in the right direction

When back to bed, I try to pay attention to HI just to maintain some awareness. Guess you can call it WILD. When I start to get close to dreaming I tend to feel some sort of waves of vibrations comming trough my body, and often it feels like im flying out of bed and into a dream. If i wake from the dream I simply lie there, completely still and after a few seconds im back in the same dream. Somtimes lucid somtimes not

I combine this whit doing RC`s and questeoning realty during the day

If done properly, I have multiple lucid dreams in about 90% of my atempts. But you have to put a effort to it

Hope this helps;)

Hey Black Bird, thank you for your advice, I am currently a student and I guess this will only be good on the weekends. I have used WILD/WBTB, although it was very difficult; I had no success in this method. I want to get this method down. The things that stopped me from progressing is the fear involved into what WILD does.
(e.x. Strong vibrations and the feeling like im stuck and I can’t do anything about it)
at one time I would even fall back asleep. I tried to pay attention to the images that my mind created but I soon would fall asleep or the vibrations would stop.
Lucid dreamers tell me this is not a method for beginers and I still want to perfect this method seeing that it is the only one that seems to work the most but again it is the most difficult I guess.

Its true that WILD can be difficult, but its only a matter of trail and error. Its not a problem if you fail in doing a WILD during WBTB and just fall back to sleep, because I feel its easier to become lucid after WBTB. In fact most of the times i`v been lucid has not been induced by WILD but has occurred after a faild WILD attempt where I than get lucid later in the dream. Therefor I think WBTB is a good technique to start with whether your practising WILD or not

Its importent to know that things happening to you during a WILD attempt cant hurt you in any way, no matter how scary it may seem. When you get used to this thought, WILD can give you many wondeful and exiting moments

But my 2months of experience is nothing compared to most people on this forum and they can probaply give you better help than I can. Im sure that it wount be loong before you start having LD`s at will. It realy isent that difficult :wink:

well I apreaciate any advice that helps me, including yours. what is WBTB in morer detail? that s when ou wake up and sta up for 90 minutes and then?
and lastnight had a lucid dream out of no where with no reality checks but it was not that clear. and I dont remembe that much.