Its easy to remmber to do RC now, sence Ive been doing LDing, but Ive had a few RCs fail me, including in a dream i had last night. I counted my fingers, and I had six. I cant understand how I didnt become lucid, but… Now Im trying to get in the habbit of assuming that I am in a dream, and look around at my surroundings before I do a RC. Do you think this will help?
Thats exactly how you are supposed to do them, always assume when you do the RC that you are dreaming.
Very much so. Just like what Freecube and R3TRO did. Expect you will be dreaming, expect the outcome to say hey your dreaming. And if it doesn’t turn out that way, just tell your mind, hey I’ll be dreaming next time. Plus…do more than 1 RC…if you aren’t already. Good Luck.
In the words of milrod. “Imagin that you are in a dream. critically question your surroundings.” If you do a RC in a dream and it fails usually that means not enough effort is being put during waking life. When I do my RC’s I kinda stop everything that I am doing. look around critically, check my watch multiple times, rub my hands together, count my fingers, and try and read. until I am convinced that I am not dreaming. then when I am convinced I say “well I am not dreaming now. but tonight I will be and I will remember my dreams”
if you get into the habit of critically checking your enviroment and RC’s your habit SHOULD follow into your dreams
White wolf, I really like your method, Its alot like mine.
I always look at my nose, try breathing through my nose, and the look at my hands, If they fail (meaning Im awake) I will do A Mild, kinda like you do, I will say I will Do a RC nezt time Im dreaming, or something.
thanks, I figured that in order to help train my subc to know it will work I can use repetition. I do like 400 million RC’s a day (hyperbole) so might as well make them worthwhile and add every little bit of testing I can to them. and add a catchy little mantra to the end to re-assure myself that what I just did I intend to be used during dreaming. and not just during the day. you could try that kavaa
Oh, I thought this thread was about becoming a nun. Nevermind. If you dream a lot about nuns (mmmm) you could do a RC everytime you see a nun.
OH come on, that’s not even possible.
Oh hyperbole, nevermind again.
lol I dont think ive ever dreamed about a nun before O_O
And I do at least 100 RCs a day.
100 RCs! That’s quite a lot
I think I will just set my watch to bleep once every half an hour.