i need to get this off my chest... (game dreams)

I don’t get many game dreams even tough I’m addicted to it :razz:. The game dreams I most have are some mix of I playing the game and, at the same time, being in the game, very confusing xD

(Legend Of Zelda: OOT is pretty damn good! The best game ever for N64! I’d really like to dream on that, but facing Ganon may really be a nightmare XD)

I had a dream about Gunz too,also Final Fantasy III on the ds.

I always have dreams involving games, movies, music, books, etc., that I’m obsessed with at the moment…

It fun, though, because I get to live my favorite things.
Like Phantom of the Opera.


I sometimes have gaming components in my dreams, like a color-coded vectored-out minimap or a health meter.

for the last couple of weeks I’ve been having Supreme Commander dreams interspersed with liberal doses of transformers.

Video game dreams are common. Dreaming is when your mind integrates what you’ve learned throughout the day into a cohesive neural system. So if you’ve spent a good portion of the day thinking about a particular thing, there is a good chance it will recurr in a dream. Competitive gamers and MMO gamers experience this a lot, as they spend lots of time and/or mental activity on a particular game.

What I find interesting is that every now and then I’ll dream that I’m playing a game with an old friend. But he always seems to be the real deal rather than just another dream character.

I will also occasionally have a dream about a groundbreaking game that nobody could possibly program. These groundbreaking games are usually mixed genres, or extremely elaborate versions of existing games. For example, earlier this year I dreamed I was playing a game the size of Guild Wars, but with gameplay mechanics similar to a combination of Champions of Norrath and Hunter the Reckoning: Redeemer. Unfortunately, such a game probably won’t exist any time soon due to hardware limitations, mostly related to bandwidth usage in relation to twitch timing necessary to play such a game.

When I go to sleep I have images of the video game that I was playing a lot going through my head.
There was a research done by a Robert Stickgold of Harvard Medical School. In this research he took two groups of people. One group were amnesiacs. The other group was normal people. He had both groups play the game Tetris all day. (You know, the old game where blocks are falling and you have to tilt them so the slide together like a puzzle.) At night the amnesiacs didn’t remember playing the game, but they did describe seeing falling, rotating blocks as they were falling asleep. The other group of normal people reported seeing the same images. The research concluded that some dreams are from a type of memory called “implicit memories”, which are the same kind of memories that amnesiacs have, they are memories that you dont even remember having.

Lately I’ve been having a bunch of game-related dreams, especially ones that have to do with the Paper Mario series. I LOVE those games, and lately they’re nearly all I’ve been dreaming about. One dream I had was where I became Mario and could flip dimensions and stuff (you probably only understand this if you’ve ever played Super Paper Mario)…it was really cool!

Haha, I have such geeky dreams. :user: :mrgreen:

Some years ago I used to play Might & Magic a lot and eventually continued playing the game while I was sleeping. I didn’t happen a lot but I loved that game then.

Don’t worry about it :smile: I ALWAYS have game-related dreams. Many times I’ve had life bars or picked up items and used menus. It’s pretty common for gamers :happy: These dreams tend to be quite fun, too…

Just last night I had a dream that I was playing in Call of Duty 2 (in 3rd person I think) and I was the German :happy: I play that game a lot.

I have a lot of dreams about Warcraft III cuz i play it alot, not as addicting as WoW, plus, the online play is free.

I play WoW and too often I dream I have an awesome level 70 character, then I wake up and its gone :sad: But the dream itself is fun while it lasts :grin:

i’ve not had too many dreams in a videogame setting, but there are a few. last one i had was probably the one from WoW, which was a lucid one! it started out by the long path down to the shore in the hinterlands, only the path was very wide, and the whole place was vibrant and bright and beautiful and all that. nothing else was from the game but that path, but i guess it still counts.

there is another one i remember vividly, and that was from a game called Tribes 2. let me first say that there does not exist an FPS game that is better. not counterstrike, not half-life, not battlefield, not call of duty, especially not halo, or anything else for that matter. doesnt matter that it’s 15 years old, it’s better. but more to the point. i had an ND where i was in a large outdoor playfield (think grassy hills with no trees or other tall vegetation, similar to a football field in shape but much larger, surrounded by steep cliffs. i was in scout armor, chasing a flag carrier with spinfusor in hand, and was flying for most of the dream. the dream ended when the flag carrier landed by one of the corners, and i got a direct hit.

other than that i can remember a dream from an unreal tournament game, and lots of dreams where random weapons have been involved.