I need to know what this kind of dream is...

I really need to know why I keep having these dreams. I am really afraid to sleep… See I keep having dreams where there is something wrong involving my mom or my house. See it is usally I can’t find my mom, I have no clue where to go, and I’m scared and keep crying. I keep having this kind of dream and I keep wanting to go see my mom badly, and I am so scared I wont ever see her again. In some cases, I dream that she is dead and I cry wanting to see her. I also have dreams where we are buying a new house and I don’t want to move because I like our place we live in right now, or the new house is creepy. So I argue with my mom saying I don’t want to move and she moves without me and I can never find where she lives. And in one dream, some guy jumped through the window of my living room and had a knife, and my dad was gonna stop him but the guy stabbed my dad in the back, and my dad put his hand on his back and walks away bent down, and he says “Okay I’ll go sit over here”. But whenever I do have a dream involving my family, my mom and some times my brother is in it, but my dad isn’t. Why do I keep having these dreams? What do the mean? I am really really scared to sleep. :crying:

Wave103 thats terrible :sad:
For how long do you have such dreams, many years already…can u remember and tell me when they started?

Hope you soon dream of things of joy, i wish it for you :smile:


I don 't know when they first started, i remember the earlyist one when i think i might have been 5 or 6. All i remebmber is the ending, I was outside, trying to look for my mom. And i was down the block from my house, looking at the train tracks, and i decided to go on them i think. And i think all of a sudden i was on a train for a few seconds, and all of a sudden i see the local park that i visit alot, and it is just a square now with the gates streched up really high. So i was above the park, and i think i was falling but not really falling more like something pushing me to make me go faster. I thought i saw my mom at the bottom of the park and she said something and i heard her perfictly but i dont remember what she said. And i grap on to a fence i hit, and i think i let go and fell and woke up.

I know exactly how you feel, I had an entire year of nothing but nightmares. I began to dread going to sleep, and after so long I really started to doubt that they would end, but they did.
So, thats all I can offer, the knowlege that they will indeed end.
As to why your having them, I would say it’s a natural expression of your fear of separation, very common.
Try and remember that this is a temporary situation. :alien: