I need your help :(

Ok my story: I had 1 lucid dream about 4 weeks ago, I just tried to regain that state and realize in my dreams that I’m dreaming and succeeded 2 further times.
(I always used to remember one dream per nite)
Then I wanted to check the internet for ‘dream control’ and such stuff and eventually found this forum.
After reading loads of nice stuff I did RC almost every 30 mins (looking at my hands, count fingers) (I had vacation so it was only at home) and finally noticed in my dream that I had about 10 fingers on every hand ^^ but I thought that I was just sleeping in and continued to dream (non lucid) :cry:

Now school started again … and now, I dont even remember one dream!! :cry: :cry: :cry: NOT EVEN ONE!! :crying:

What shall I do now? Set-up a DD yesterday but what shall I note down if I dont even remember any fact? :sad: (set my alarm to 4:30 last nite, no success still no memory :/)

My sleep-schedule during my vacation was: I fell asleep at ~1-3AM and woke at 1-2PM
Now I only have 6hrs of sleep (fall asleep at 12am, wake at 6am)

Hope you can help me :confused: I’m really depressed atm :cry:

K first, don’t be depressed, because you’ll make it harder for yourself.
Next, a change in sleep patterns could affect your ability to remember dreams.

I’m tired, so I can’t think of anything else just now. So, erm.

yeah, I agree that a disturbance in sleep schedule is probably to blame. Take it easy as your body adjust and soon you will dreaming like you once have! Get plenty of rest in the mean time. (and drink lots of water … not that it may help, but most people are dehydrated, and a healthy body should adjust more quickly)

goodluck! and takecare.

Also, most people find more success as they become more rested. I only feel ready to try a WILD after 4-5 hours of sleep, and I leave about 3 hours afterwards for me to LD/rest/wake up and try to LD again. You might consider going to sleep at 10 or 11 instead of midnight. And drinking water does help, and in more than one way. If you drink a lot of water, your dreams will most likely focus on it later when you have to wake up to go to the bathroom…'Course there’s some bad stories about not waking up in time and such…so you might want to limit the amount…or just not do it…but whatever. It’s your choice. Just be positive about it, trust the other people who’ve posted, they know what’s up.

Thx for your help, hope it’s just cuz of the change of my sleep pattens, I also decided to pause trying to get lucid for a week or so until I remember my dreams completely hope that helps :content:

Hi ZeroSky,

If we don’t get a nice descent sleep and we wake up abruptly and have to get ready for school/work or whatever we gotta do, it makes it much harder to think of what dreams youve had, because your focusing so much on ‘reality’, or well, the physical reality.

You will probably find that on weekends (assuming you get to sleep in on weekends) you remember more dreams than during the week. This ofcourse is because you got longer sleep, and your physical body became more relaxed and calm and settled.

Try get to bed earlier, if possible, its not just better so you can remember more dreams, but its better as you will feel more refreshed every day.


I also have trouble remembering my dreams, I would go to bed, wake up at 11 before.

I havent remembered one dream for 4 days, I used to have a great dream recall(2-4 dreams a night!), but now poooof! Gone… :cry:

I have the same exact problem you do. Here’s my story and how I’m dealing with it.

I find out about lucid dreaming April, I try to WILD, I get scared out of my pants, sleep with light on for a week until I’m not even thinking of lucid dreams. July 30th rolls around, I had a ND and a lucid moment, started coming to this site because dream ruled so much. I ended up having 3 lucid dreams from August 1st to August 14th.

School started the 16th. I literally got zero hours of sleep that Sunday to when school started because my sleep schedule was so ****ed up. I was going to sleep when I felt like it and didn’t have a care in the world. I end up staying all of Monday night too.

Tuesday rolls around, I have hallucinations from lack of sleep in the supermarket, that night I go to sleep at 10:30PM, wake at 4:00AM on accident. I was so tired but I decided to attempt a WILD because I no longer feared SP/old hag. I do it and have the best experience of my life, seriously, it’s kind of sad that the best experience of my life was in a dream. Ever since then my sleeping has been way off.

For the past month I’ve been going to sleep at like midnight, waking at 4:00AM for a wild attempt, then having to get up at 5:45AM for school. It’s totally sucked, I haven’t had any lucid dreams since like August 18th… it’s the 15th of september now so I’ve been dry for like a month and it’s bugging me. I have been attempting WILDs for the longest time and actually get really close but I think too much when in SP/HS and i just awake.

Well, I found that on weekends my dream count is much higher then on weekdays, infact I average about one recalled dream every Monday through Thursday and no exageration, I experience about 5 or 6 on Friday.

Now, my DD has been stolen and it has totally hampered my ability to recall dreams, so I’m just stuck in a sea of bleh hopelessly trying to dream but not being able to remember anything because I got my DD bucked. :cry:

Here’s what I suggest. Drink a big glass of water, I down about 64 Fl oz. of water before I go to sleep, go to bed at least two hours earlier, set your alarm to about 5 hours after you’ve hit the hay, do a WBTB, just stay awake for at least 5 minutes. I suggest waking up, hitting the night light and reading your DD entries. Go back to bed, then you should have a nice dream, you should be able to easily induce a dream using the method of your choice and your nights will be better and you will go through the day with joy and confidence because you had such a nice dream.

First thx to all the peeps trying to help me :content:
1nd Garlic thx for the advice but my problem is that my DD is empty :sad: not even one entry :sad:
But I decided to go to bet at 11pm every nite (have done that the last 2 nights) but still no success :sad:

2 days ago I used my alarm to wake me @ 4.30am and tried to recall (no success)
but the weird is that I woke at the same time today! 4:30! without an alarm but still no memories of a dream :confused:

hope the more sleep will help me :content:
any other advices? :wink:

your problem could be trying to hard too…

try to just not think that much about it for one week and see what’s happends. Another thing to have in mind is to not be too disapointed when failing to remember dreams because that could also make it harder…

My theory is that the reason why we don’t remember dreams is that we think of something else the second we wake up instead of what we dreamed about. Your problem may be that you think of your failure to remember any dreams the first thing at the morning and then when you try to remember the dreams you woke up from they are allready gone.

I also got problems remembering dreams when I’m working. My way to rebuild my dreamrecall is to have my DD and a pen beside my bed and when i wake up i try to remember something and write that down. Even if i just remember one image or even one fraction of an image (sometimes only one word) i write that down. This way you slowly get used to think of your dreams the moment you wake up.

It takes a little time but i definitely see a progress towards better dream recall, and that’s what’s important! :cool_laugh:

Good luck.

k :content: thx
anyway already prepared a DD with a special pen ^^ next to my pillow, the only problem is that it’s still empty :tongue: ^^

If you don’t remember the dream, try to write down small details like how you feel when you wake up. Do you feel angry, sad, happy, neutral? Then try to think about why.

Do you move around when you wake up? Any sort of movement will start the process of forgetting what you dreamed. So, when you wake up try just laying where you are and do your best to try and remember anything; a scene, an emotion, a face, etc. Don’t get too frustrated.

Hope this helps at all :smile:

ye it’S just that I dont remember just one part, not even a fragment, last nite I awoke @4,5 by my alarm and 6 on my own but was always the same :confused:
I dont get to fustrated, as my rl is stabilizing atm :wink:
But it’s very annoying to wake up and have absolutely no memories of any dream fragment :meh:

The same exact thing happened to me I havent even remembered 1 dream since i started school which was about 2 weeks ago. :cry:
but recently i have been sleeping a little earlier and had a few dreams which i remembered :content:

My advice is to FINISH HOMEWORK early it will take the stress outta ur mind. It helped me A LOT :happy: and to just try to keep ur mind out of stress. Oh and everybody elses advice was great too :smile:
GL :wink:

I find that using an alarm clock can be counterproductive when trying to wake up in the middle of your REM cycle. When that noisy piece of crap goes off the first thing that pops in your head is “I have to turn it off!” That immediately puts a damper on your recall. If you have time try just waking up naturally.

It’s good to hear you’re working hard at improving your recall. A lot of people get frustrated and quit. Keep it up!

again thx for your help :wink:

ye at least I remembered 2 very short dreams (actually only a perioud of 2secs) after my alarm went on. But after I woke naturally I havent remembered anything :neutral:

(wrote them down in my DD (only 1page but at least there’s sth in it now) today’s saturday and it’s porlly cuz of the longer sleep will try to avoid an alarm tonite)