I have the same exact problem you do. Here’s my story and how I’m dealing with it.
I find out about lucid dreaming April, I try to WILD, I get scared out of my pants, sleep with light on for a week until I’m not even thinking of lucid dreams. July 30th rolls around, I had a ND and a lucid moment, started coming to this site because dream ruled so much. I ended up having 3 lucid dreams from August 1st to August 14th.
School started the 16th. I literally got zero hours of sleep that Sunday to when school started because my sleep schedule was so ****ed up. I was going to sleep when I felt like it and didn’t have a care in the world. I end up staying all of Monday night too.
Tuesday rolls around, I have hallucinations from lack of sleep in the supermarket, that night I go to sleep at 10:30PM, wake at 4:00AM on accident. I was so tired but I decided to attempt a WILD because I no longer feared SP/old hag. I do it and have the best experience of my life, seriously, it’s kind of sad that the best experience of my life was in a dream. Ever since then my sleeping has been way off.
For the past month I’ve been going to sleep at like midnight, waking at 4:00AM for a wild attempt, then having to get up at 5:45AM for school. It’s totally sucked, I haven’t had any lucid dreams since like August 18th… it’s the 15th of september now so I’ve been dry for like a month and it’s bugging me. I have been attempting WILDs for the longest time and actually get really close but I think too much when in SP/HS and i just awake.
Well, I found that on weekends my dream count is much higher then on weekdays, infact I average about one recalled dream every Monday through Thursday and no exageration, I experience about 5 or 6 on Friday.
Now, my DD has been stolen and it has totally hampered my ability to recall dreams, so I’m just stuck in a sea of bleh hopelessly trying to dream but not being able to remember anything because I got my DD bucked.
Here’s what I suggest. Drink a big glass of water, I down about 64 Fl oz. of water before I go to sleep, go to bed at least two hours earlier, set your alarm to about 5 hours after you’ve hit the hay, do a WBTB, just stay awake for at least 5 minutes. I suggest waking up, hitting the night light and reading your DD entries. Go back to bed, then you should have a nice dream, you should be able to easily induce a dream using the method of your choice and your nights will be better and you will go through the day with joy and confidence because you had such a nice dream.