I never thought I would actualy see gas go to $3.00 a gallon

Well you do not prduce oil :razz: . Oil is a natural resource that we cant artificially make. but i dont worry about gas prices becaus:

A: I dont drive a car
B: You kinda pays for oil in human life aswell
C: And i dont thinkl oil will be around for long. OSmthing ninja will replace it soon.

Well gas prices are finally starting to fall a bit! :neutral: But, they are still too high. We should boycott the oil industry and don’t buy any gas from Exxon, Mobil or Hess. Only buy gas from their competitors. The beauty of this is that we can hit the oil companies hard and still buy as much gas as we want.

Some of the reason was too that the americans bought a LOT of gas during th hurricane.
Not for escaping , bu all over . They knew oil was blocked in the gulf .And when a lot of people buy a tank or treethe prices will rice …