i never done this before, so where should i start?
if someone could be kind enough to give me something to follow, some steps or something.
before i could remember my dreams almost every night, not all of it, but the part that was important or scary if you know what i mean.
how important is the dream diary?
why cant i remember my dreams anymore, is it because i am up late almost every night? or… i dont know, but i really want to remember my dreams, because its very funny
i dont think i can handle this on my own, so please help me!
oh, i’m sorry.
thanks for the second link, i think that will help me.
i have actually read all what stands in the first link, but i need advice from ppl with experince etc.
i am not good at finding out stuff by my self
Hints? Well… the second thread is titled Helpful Hints For The Aspiring Lucid Dreamer, after all. innocent look
As to why you may be unable to remember your dreams, when are you trying to recall them? You should lie in bed, without even moving, as soon as you first wake up, and try to think back and remember. When you remember as much as you can, write it down, or at least write keywords that will help you remember, into your dream diary, so you won’t forget later.
well shade, i have never tried to recall my dream, but before i remembered alot of dreams just by my self, but not anymore.
so i was wondering why… i dont sleep much, and i am always late up.
i am going to try something today, so this will be my first attempt to experience lucing dreams.
i will set my cellphone to ring after 6 hours, drink some water and say to my self ‘i am dreaming now’ untill i fall a sleep.
6 hours later, i will hopefully be awake, i will try to recall my dreams, and write them down.
what more can i do?
Yeah, you definitely need lots of sleep. It seems I’ve been saying this alot lately, the more sleep the better.
RC = Reality check. There are certain things that ‘usually’ don’t work in dreams, like flicking a light switch normally won’t change anything in a dream. Theres lots of different RCs that you can do, just take a look through the forum. All you do is practice do something like that in real life, as often as possible and then hopefully once you’ve made a habit out of it you’ll start doing it in your dreams aswell. And then since the outcome of whatever RC you were doing will be different in a dream than in RL you should realise that you’re dreaming.
Hope thats of some help to you . If you’ve got any other questions, just ask away.
btw. i remembered much more than usual this night, i can say that i had 5 different dreams. when i woke up today, the first thing i did was to write it down in alchera (nice program, is there more programs like alchera? you need to register), i managed to write 205 words.
after my opinion, i think this is a good start, since i havent been able to remember any dreams lately