I Saw Ciera Again!

I had my second Lucid Dream last night, Ciera was in it once more. It was joyful, happy, and very bright to be honest, the sky was a blinding bright white light. There was hardly any design. It took a while, but my vision began to clear and give way to a deep green meadow. I saw Ciera, a small figure in the distance but easy to make out in the distance, she was picking stray roses in the far end of the meadow humming a joyful tune to herself. I smiled out of habit and ran after her, I realized it was a dream the moment I saw her, I began to flail my arms calling out to her.

“Ciera! Ciera can you hear me!?” She didn’t, so I kept on running through the long grass until I reached her.

“Ciera, why are you here? Do you have something to tell me?” She didn’t respond, she just kept her focus on the ground, she pulled up a deep blue rose with a cyan glow surrounding the length of it. She twirled it in her hand carelessly before responding.

“You know, red roses represent love, yellow roses represent friendship, these roses are special in particular, they represent mystery.” I looked at her confused for a second, she let out a playful giggle blowing pedals off the rose into my face.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, confused, I had no idea what she was rambling on about.

“Come on Jesse, you have this wide expanse before you, but no will to explore it!” She smiled at me grabbing my hand in her own silky smooth hand. I looked at her and she laughed pulling me through the grass.

“Come one then! I’ll show you what you’re missing out on!” The background, the meadow, began to fade, the scenery was changing rapidly, but before it could finish changing I was awoken by my alarm clock at about 7:00 AM, I’'m here to tell you guys about the dream and maybe ask you guys what it means? What was I missing out on exactly? What’s the significance of a blue rose? How does Ciara know things I don’t?

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Haha that’s cool to have the next dream about the same character (especially when it’s your SG like we can assume it is here)

I think maybe your SG tries to tell you to go more outside: “don’t be so shy and try to discover a lot of new areas” That s what I understand with what she’s saying.

But you re the one who can normally best understand your dream, other people can just try to help but they also can interpret it quite badly…
Anyway that’s quite a pity that your alarm clock rang, maybe if you have some extratime next time(but that s more for the week end), you should try to reenter the dream and see what she has to say…