Last night I tried to lucid dream. Instead I had a very long and vivid dream.
At the end of it there was this dog on the ground that a man came and picked up and said “This dog was almost dead”.
Then I got online and one of the headlines lead to this.
I obviosly think I saw into the future… but what could this mean, why would my dream shoe me this?
im sorry to say that i cant agree with you…how many times have we dreamt (and think about how much information there is in one long, vivid dream!) and saw a thing on internet/news that reminds us of a thing in our dreams…and then take how many nights we have bin dreaming you would find the chanses of a thing like this hapening some times in your life is rather big, but i dont say you didnt, as far as im concerned everything is possible : )
isn’t there a TV show about a crime-fighter who sees into the future?
you may have a lucrative career option
there is a movie: From hell
i dont thinnk you saw the future because u only say oh the dog is alive or something u didnt say anything about a police shooting the dog or something
there is a movie: From hell
i dont thinnk you saw the future because u only say oh the dog is alive or something u didnt say anything about a police shooting the dog or something
Isn’t that The Dead Zone?