Okay, I already said earlier how I had my first official LD. Since then, I have been remembering to RC more often and I feel like I can do it when I go to sleep and MILD. However, whenever I MILD in bed, I can’t get to sleep! I have tried for the last 3 days and it’s kept me up for another hour and it would be later if I don’t have to give up at night %} . I can’t keep trying since my school starts tommorow and I need to be asleep earlier tonight. Can anyone tell me how to get MILD working in less time
Mild can take however long you want. and it depends on how you do it. You’re not supposed to do it until you fall asleep completely. You really won’t know if it worked until you either wake up or have a LD. The purpose is to set your mind to LD later, not right away so you have to practise, then let yourself fall asleep.
You could make sure you wake up in the nighttime to MILD then, you’ll fall asleep quicker probably even if you are int he middle of it wich is still good. You can practise mild til you fall asleep if you wish but it’s not necessary.
Bottom line is. Don’t strain yourself or you won’t fall asleep.
I tried MILD, too. But the first times I had to face the same problem as you did. Then I spent more time on getting relaxed and whatever induction technique I tried after that didn’t prevent me from falling asleep. However, I have to admit, that I haven’t reached lucidity by now but I keep on trying.
School began on Monday this week for me. I feared that I won’t have the time for relaxation exercises and the induction techs, but I just go to bed half an hour earlier than I used to do last year. Bragging with beeing up damn long into the night is no point for me anymore. If you don’t have to do anything important at night, just go to bed earlier
What is your problem with MILD? Can you describe exactly what you do and why you can’t sleep?