hey everyone. ive been real interested in lucid dreams for about 2 years now and have always told myself that i would have one but never really did. i always told myself id keep a dream log and do all that other stuff to try to better my chances at having one but i guess im pretty lazy. but i dont have a problem remembering my dreams so. anyway yesterday during the day i laid on my bed and just started to drift off. a felt myself going into a deep sleep and i started dreaming and in my dream i saw myself sleeping on my bed and said im dreaming to myself and just kept saying it until finally i was able to control what i was doing. or at least im pretty sure i was controling myself. i felt myself moving my arms in the dream and also sort of felt my sleeping physical body trying to move its arms and at one point i tried to start flying but i would get so high then fall. and my vision in the “ld” wasnt really that clear it was almost like a moving video camera and was trying to focus. i was wondering what you guys thought of this. and also is it true that after the first ld you have, trying to have others will be easier? thanks a lot.
It sounds like you have WILD’ed and had a low-level of LD vividness. Keep it up. Next time, try to be with it. Be fully involved with your dream. It should help. You were so close! You can do it!
Good luck!
P.S. To be sure if you’re lucid is ask yourself that question and answer it honestly, “Were you aware that you’re dreaming?” (No control… I don’t care about control… just that if you were aware that you’re dreaming.)
It was not easier for me to have LDs after the first, but many people report that it was much easier for them after the first. However, I found it much easier to gain some control as time passed. Oh, I forgot to mention that I think that was a low-level LD. You were probably almost awake or you were FOOLED into thinking that you were moving your real body (I felt 2 bodies in a dream once, I assumed the one that was laying in bed was me in real life, but it wasn’t because I don’t lucid dream face-down.) Anyways the technique you used was probably WILD… you should look up and use WBTB (the link in my signature might help) if you want a relatively easy way to lucid dream.
Good luck with your practice and have LDs soon…
For want of not writing another thread for this…I have a problem with last nights LD…I don’t actually know whether I was lucid or not, I know you are going to say if you are unsure it probably isn’t…but I swear I had the feeling of realness, and I said I was dreaming, and I tried to trand=sport myself to my room, for…Irvine, yeah…but then I wrongly transported to a different place and started talking to people and I was still as ‘Lucid’ as I was before, but I kinda, didn’t care, or forgot or something, but it didn’t go like my dreams usually do if I lose lucidity, and it lasted ages (which I’m proud of if it was an LD) I’m sure it was, but I’m confused about the whole thing…
PG - sounds to me like a pretty low level LD.
But then again, I’m trying to figure out if my dream last night was an LD or not. In it, i said that I was dreaming, but it’s not as clear or real as my other LDs. And I don’t actually remember knowing it was an dream. I just said it was (I guess, kindda like when someone tells you you’re dreaming, but you still don’t become lucid).
Is that a fake lucid dream?
First congratulations on your first LD
Definitely sounds like a WILD to me.
Next time and, yes there will be a next time if you keep it up. Try and rub your hands together as soon as you become Lucid this seems to be the easiest technique for intensifying a LD for new people. Plan what you want to do in your next LD before you go to sleep and as Dm7 mentioned stay engaged in the dream.
Yes it does get easer from here.
Happy Dreaming
Sounds like you started off lucid but you quickly lost it. Same thing for you Sureal. Next time you even think you are dream say over a few times this is a dream then stabilize things by rubbing your hands together. This should make things more stable and vivid.
Pistrirl, next time your dream teleports you someplace you do not want to be do it again. Firmly expect to be where you want to be. Remember you are in charge in your dream.
It almost sounds like you two start out realizing you are dreaming but, then don’t really believe it so you loose lucidity.
Keep practicing.
Happy Dreaming
I woke up, I didn’t lose lucidity . If it was an LD, then I rate it at the bottom of my very low level LD’s
. It lasted for a while (about three minutes), but didn’t feel like a LD. That’s mainly what’s bothering me.
It still sounds like you had what some people would call a low level L
You knew it was a dream. At the very least you were seriously questioning if it was a dream. Then unfortunately you woke up. I think if you stayed in the dream a little longer it would have become a full blown LD.
Don’t spend so much time wondering if it was or was not a LD. In stead put your attention to figuring out how to make the experience better next time.
It is easy to take a low level LD and make it a higher LD. Like I said above. The next time you find your self saying is this a dream. Firmly tell yourself it is a dream and then do something to increase lucidity and vividness.
Happy LD ‘ing
Thankyou…getting annoyed with my LD’s now lol…either crap, or short, or have hundreds and hundreds of FA’s and it pisses me off lol!
I’ll keep practising, thankyou for the advice!
Good luck.
Remember LD ‘ing is easy. You both have already done it. Keep practicing and don’t give up.
Happy Dreaming!