I think I have just had success!

All this time thinking of lucid dreaming has paid off I think for me. I did have a short lucid experience about a month ago, but this morning I had a very intresting dream. It was set in my house, in my kitchen and I was a lot smaller than I am in real life. I think I saw an image of my now dead cat (dissappearing/reappearing image i think) and I then started to question the reality of the situation and I then decided that this is a dream and not real. I recalled something that I read on a website that said you have more or less than 5 fingers in dreams and I rasied my fingers and I was amazed to find that I had more than 5 fingers-I think I had 8 fingers on each hand-I also tried to touch some objects and rotate my head. I also said-or even sang “I am in a lucid dream!, I am in a lucid dream” I tried to move out of the kitchen but had a little diffculty moving at first but managed to move out and saw this baby’s pram/pushchair in the hallway-something that we have not had for 20 years! Shortly after that I woke up. Was an exciting and eerie experience though-would like to have it again and do it for longer next time-so was this definatly and LD? any tips-looks like my dead cat is a good dreamsign as it was a`dream about her-again in my house that got me intrested in dreams/LDs!
All the best

Nice i had my 2nd ld last nite as well for like 30 secs good nights lol.

Nice. IZ, they get better when you can keep yourself calm for like 5 minutes plus.

Hi lukemc !
As you were knewing it was a dream, it was a LD, absolutely no doubt ! Congrats ! :clap: