I had been trying EXTREMELY hard as of late to hit a state of lucidity. However, it didn’t really happen quite as I’d expected it… I had my first controlled lucid dream the other day.
I sleep late into the day because I’m one of two things: a hobo, or a hard worker. Take your pick. Anyway, I was sleeping and my dad came in to wake me as I’ve been at my parent’s the last little while. I had only slept for about 4 or 5 hours, so I was groggy as all Hell… Anyway, after waking up, I spent about 25 minutes with my dad preparing and eating breakfast, another 10 minutes of smoking. At this point, it was probably about noon. I went outside as I was smoking, took in a lot of light just for the sake of it, and headed back in to take a quick nap.
For me, as I was drifting back to sleep, the key was making sure I wasn’t forcing anything. The facts are, you WILL hit an REM cycle when you fall asleep. It’s just a matter of how long… The greatness of the WBTB method is that you instantly fall into your REM cycle, bypassing the hypnagogic state almost altogether.
Another keypoint that should be noted is that you should lay entirely motionless. What a lot of people seem to neglect while attempting a WILD method is that you shouldn’t move AT ALL. This includes very fine facial aspects, such as the mouth, tongue, and eyes.
Don’t give up, I promise that once you hit your first lucid dream, and you will, you will know that all the time you’ve spent working as hard as possible will definitely pay off.
Oh yeah, and reality checks are amazing as well. Definitely focus on reality checks while awake. Great tools…
I am, by no stretch of the imagination, a master of the lucid dream, so with that disclaimer, I hope I don’t come off as pretensious.