I think I’ve been at least semi-lucid in dreams before. Like, one dream I was in an RPG, and once it ended and I woke up I immediatly tryed to go back to sleep to see if I could reenter the dream, and sure enough I did. Then another time I knew it was a dream, and willed myself to wake up, only to dream a wake up. Tonight I’m going to really try, since the before instances were accidental. I’m going to goto sleep listening to this ic3.deviantart.com/fs11/f/2006/1 … _night.mp3
and hopefully I’ll have a LD. If it isn’t against the rules I’ll record my progress for the next few days here.
No LD last night, though I did have more dreams than usually, just none o them lucid. Going to try again tonight though, hopefully with more luck