Okay so last night was my first attempt at Lucid Dreaming. I tried the WILD techniqe and I think I was close to a Lucid dream. I got in bed at 9:00 (at night) and started relaxing my body. I did the tensing and breathing thing for about 5 minutes. Then I started counting. And after about 10 min I felt all tingly and my heart was beating really fast. I did not see any HI during all this or any noises. But I woke up immediatley (On purpose) beacause I was a little scared. I then just decided to go to sleep. I woke up again at 2:30 AM and was up for like 15 minutes. When I got back in bed I tried it again. The breathing,the tensing,and all that fun stuff. But nothing happened this time. So was I doing anything wrong? These are some things that I am questioning that might have had an effect:
1.I was swallowing during the counting.
2.Maybe I was jsut excited.
3.I kept waiting for the HI to start. Should I let it come on its own or try to make it happen.
4.It just feels like im laying there it doesn’t feel like my body is falling asleep. Why?
Im going to try again tonight. I hope I get somewhere this time.
EDIT: Okay I just took a nap and tried agin but nothing! I layed there and relaxed and focused on counting for an hour or so. But nothing! I got slight SP but thats it. Im really getting annoyed…
EDIT 2: I tried again last night and i did the WBTB method and WILD but I just ended up laying there for an hour. No HI,SP,or anything like that. WHYYY!!!