I used to LD a lot...

Hi! I’m relatively new here and I like the site and the forum too!

My problem is: A few years ago, I used to LD almost all nights and I was really good at it. I tried again a few weeks after I stopped but I wasn’t able to do it so I lost my motivation. Now I want to do it again but it seems like my nights are passing really quickly (it’s like it lasts for 10 minutes or so). I can remember my dreams very well all day long but they are boring and I’m not able to gain consiousness 'cause it seems that everything is too fast and I can’t get ahold of something :grrr: (I don’t know if it’s clear…)

Do you guys have any suggestion?
Thank you

Practice. Keep a dream journal, purchase EWOLD, pracice several bodily relaxation techniques, try several intiation techniques (WILD, MILD, DILD & Dream Incubation) and keep at it. Many of us have been trialing different techniques and methods for years, and have seen good results.

You don’t have to buy anything, that EWOLD was just a suggestion. =p

:welcome: blen2r! Whenever you feel like it, go ahead and introduce yourself here. :wave:

Start a DJ and after a while you’ll notice Dream Signs. These are things that show up in your dreams a lot, so by knowing what they are, you’ll be able to get lucid off them! :cool_laugh:

I know what you mean by things going ‘too fast’. If you’d like, you can give WILD a shot. That way, you’ll go straight into the dream and not have to worry about time or speed. :happy:

Feel free to ask questions on the forum or through Private Messaging, we’re all here to help. :yes:

Best of luck!


thank you for your replies

for the dreams journal, i already have one.

for the reality checks, that’s another thing. when I dream, it’s like if my brain and my body feels different and i know that i’m dreaming but i can’t gain conciousness because of that “too fast” thing.

anyway, i’ll keep practicing!

thank you