I wake up when I remember my objective. Help is welcome

Well, everything is pretty much said in the tittle :smile:
It’s been two dreams when i get lucid and 2 seconde later I remember my objective and everything fades and i wake up. Before that, I never remembered any objective so it’s pretty annoying to wake up when I finally do.

Would you guys have any tips to help me?

You should definitely try the usual techniques such as spinning and looking at your hands to stay in the dream, but if that doesn’t work you can always go directly into DEILD.

First: The “tittle” is the dot on a lower case “i”. It tells me nothing.

Second: Do get excited upon remembering what you’re going to do? This can wake you up.

I think that I might be a little exited (who wouldn’t be ? :smile: )

I’ll just keep going. I will eventually manage to not wake up.

You have to be careful not to get excited. When ever you go lucid. Whatever you do or whatever your objective is. Keep going with the the dream. The moment you stray too far from the dream. The Dreamcatcher makes you fall asleep again. In my experience when I go lucid and I start to loss it and wake up.
Here’s the cool part! Sometimes when you wake up your really still in the dream. Its a dream copy of your bed and room. Never just roll over and assume that you’re really awake. Pinch your nose, if you can still breathe then you’re still in the dream! And your fully lucid. Even stronger than the previous dream (more time lucid).
So don’t get exited, stay in that dreamscape, don’t use your powers too much. You’ll lose your lucidity faster, if you do wake back up in your bed do reality check. You may fine yourself still in the Dreamworld.

Sound good to me, I’ll definitly do that.
I will keep you all up on my progresses!

I had another lucid dream and remembered my objective! :content: but the DC didn’t want to help me finding what I was looking for. :cry:
It disturbed me and I closed my eyes, when I reopened it, I was awake :neutral:

Thank you guys for your help!