i was having a dream and i wasnt lucid at the time. me and some friends were hanging out by an old school yard, my friend pulled out a game i wanted for a while and i said " this had to be a dream" i then came lucid. i decided to change the place around, into my lucid world.
i turned the sky orange the buildings grew a little taller, and i turned myself into a GREY (a grey skin colored alien) like i always do when i go lucid. i walked around for awhile and notcied the images getting blurry, so i spun around for awhile and stopped.
i noticed it was a ufo in the sky making the burry images so i focused for a minute a flew up about 6 ft higher than the ufo and flew in the opposite direction.
the ufo go in front of me and pulled me in it. when i saw the inside i noticed some greys. i said “please go away im dreaming” then i tried to make them disappear but nothing worked.
i was then injected with some needle and i began to “feel” dizzy, i then turned away and i pinched myself and my astral body came out. (dont know how or why but it did.)
the greys walked towards me (my astral body) and i grabbed myself and tugged. i was thrust foward. and i hit the ground below the ufo. i said “ow my arm” and i froze up.
i could feel things, feel pain, i realized i was really awake in my lucid world. i mean really awake, a grey looked at me and it seemed like it was in fear, it rushed towards me and stabbed me with a needle. i was then thrust backwards through a pit and i appeared in my house, in my bed.
is a persons dream really a world somewhere else?
That sounds very …I’m not sure how to describe it, but how real it all must have been. I think that its about 50-50 dreams are another place or they aren’t. But if they are maybe the aliens are interferring in that world and they ran into a dreamer. Very strange thinking, but more enjoyable than what I’ve been thinkign about. I’ll think about it more. 
Intruiging. Let’s see, this dream tells me some things. I’ll list them.
- You are quite the alien fan.
- You have great lucid dream control.
- That was a very vivid dream near the end. Not truly real.
Now, I don’t know about dreams being a real world somewhere else, but to me it sounds ridiculous. But that’s just me. What made you think that? If you tell me, I can come to a conclusion.
sounds to me what some experience , dreams of flying or aliens when they are supposedly abducted , but they are very vivid. Maybe you controlled one of those and you have proved they all just got ufo on the brain and are victims of wild imaginations.
if you didn’t like it, cut down on thinking about aliens. if you did then have a ball exploring but … “be careful” (not that there is a need to be, but then again you don’t want to go doing things that deliberately freak you out, unless you do want to)
you are what you think about (and i need to take this advice) and what better illustration than turning yourself into one deliberately?
i say why not be a Pleadian instead? They seem a lot more friendly from what I have read.
and also if you believe they were real aliens then i think you should stay away from the greys, what i have read about them is not so good… what do you know about “them” ?
i turn into a grey, cuz it freaks out the dream characters.
that was the first time i accually had a ufo in my dreams.
what i dont understsnd is why i couldnt change things around at the end