I will do whatever it takes, so what does it take to LD?

I have been reading about astral projection and a little about lucid dreams for the last 3 or 4 years, but i recently stopped becuase of lack of time (school/work)

I came the the decision that i want to lucid dream (and astraly project but I think it would be easier to AP AFTER i learn to LD)

so this is where i need all your help

what is esential, what is the best way i can work on it so i can do it,

Obviously it would take time, knowledge and patience

Ive always wanted to and i used to pracice concentrating and using the MILD technique but i wasnt 100% involved, I always put it on the backburner but i made up my mind, this is my #1 goal right now

so anything will help!
(keep in mind i will be combing through this forum and the guide like a… like… well, a comb, haha) thanks!

MILD is a good technique to use. If you’re ready to devote time then first make sure you remember at least i ND per night pretty vivdly. Also start doing reality checks…if you get them to be habitual you will start to have a few spontaneous LD’s for basic practice. The other thing to start working in is the target thing for MILD in EWLD, if you get that to be habitual MILD gets very easy.

I learned to have LD’s at will in about 5 months but I worked hard and put in alot of time.

And remember…

Don’t give up!!! :grrr:

Good :smile: Im doing mild right now (i havent ld’d yet unless FLD counts) MILD is a very good techniche.It also helps me sleep.

WBTB + MILD worked for me.



Dream diary’s help me so much so its a good idea to start one.

Hi r3n0, wlecome to the forum! :wave:

Dream diary, motivation… and possibly bananas :happy: (it’s a lucid food) are useful. Here are my advices.

First, keep a dream diary and when you remember about one dream per night, you can start lucid induction. Autosuggestion by repeating a sentence is useful for having quickly a good dream recall.

Then I think that DILD’s methods are the easiest to learn. These methods are RC’s, MILD or autosuggestion, possibly finding hands in dreams.

These methods take about 3 weeks to give you a first LD on average (but they can work sooner). So don’t discourage if you don’t have immediatly results.

If you’re really motivated, I think that a good method would be combining RC+MILD or autosuggestion. MILD is an enhanced autosugestion indeed, so it could have better results. Now WBTB is useful too cause it increases greatly your chances of having a LD.

The main tip about RC’ing is questioning the reality, not performing the RC automatically. The main tips about MILD or autosuggestion is focusing your intention, hence motivation and being convinced that you’ll have a result are important. You must feel what you say mentally, not repeating it automatically and you must feel convinced of the result. This is easier and more efficient when very well relaxed.

If you practice RC, it’s interesting to notice dreamsigns in your DJ’s. Thus you can test reality when you notice a dreamsign IRL. Dreamsigns can be useful for MILD too, so they are interesting. I think that it’s far enough to get LD’s. Did I answer all your questions?

Good luck! :smile:

i would try a combination of every thing.

submliminal mp3’s (which i think work like a charm)
self-hypnosis (which also works wonders)
mugwart herb
reality checking constantly.
practicing dream recall i.e. keeping a dream journal
reading about lucid dreaming
and finally just making a conscious effort to be more aware of your surroundings and to remind yourself about lucid dreaming. (lucid dreaming begins with self-awareness)

I can pretty much guarentee you that if you did put in the time and effort to do ALL of the above, you would find yourself having a lucid dream in under a couple of weeks.

So, we have

MILD + Autosugestion works greatly at start.

To list, im putting in WILD, VILD methors, that are harder to learn, but more succesful after learning them.

And thinking about LD stuff! It’s really important, i’ve experienced it on myself (or better: i’ve experienced lack of it :tongue:). Im spending more time on that forum from then.