Does this Autosuggestion moto really work? If so what advantages does it give to the normal ‘I will remember my dreams?’ Will they feel more vivid? and will you wake up after every dream of the night?
Sicne I’m having problems with recall lately, I want to try some other methods.
Well, it depends. Are you sensitive to affirmations?
If you’re using different methods at the same time, I’d recommend you to stick with one for a week or so; you will then be able to see which ones work better on you. Also make sure you get enough hours of sleep, taking naps during the day if you need them. That makes my dreams clearer.
When I wanted to get LD really bad in the past, a week seemed neverending. Then I figured it was ok to be patient. It wasn’t like those dreams would be going anywhere since they’re all in my head.