ID cards?

ID cards – for your safety! If that is what you believe, then read the following and see if you still believe that…
73% of people were in favour of ID cards, that is, however, before they were informed of what exactly this entailed. Did you know that –
• You will have to attend an appointment to be photographed, have your fingerprints taken and iris scanned, or be fined up to £2500. Additional fines of up to £2500 may be levied each time you fail to comply until you submit to these procedures.
• You must promptly inform the police or Home Office if you lose your card or it becomes defective, or face a fine of up to £1000. If you find someone else’s card and do not immediately hand it in, you may have committed a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment for up to two years or a fine, or both.
• You will have to promptly inform the National Identity Register of any change of address or face (which may even constitute dying or changing your hair) a fine of up to £1000 (you will supply evidence of your previous addresses, not just your current address).
• You will have to promptly inform the National Identity Register of significant changes to your personal life or any errors they have made or face a fine of up to £1000. You may also be obliged to submit to being re-interviewed, re-photographed, re-fingerprinted and re-scanned, or face a fine
• It will cost you between £30 and £93 (or more) to be registered, with further charges possible to change your details and to replace a lost or stolen card. As well as this - Even at current Home Office estimates, the additional tax burden of setting up the scheme will be of the order of £200 per person. So that’s up to £293 for an ID card already, without possible fines should you forget to inform them of changes in your life.
Considering these outrageous costs, there are already websites popping up which make it possible for people to obtain fake ID cards when they come out!!
The argument that the government will use for their ID cards, of course, is “what price are you willing to pay for your own safety?” However, just how effective is an ID card likely to be in saving your life? Millions more people die in car crashes or from illnesses than they do from ‘terrorist’ attacks. Think about 7/7 or 9/11 – just how effective would ID cards have really been in preventing them? Random outrages by individuals can’t be stopped. Ministers agree that ID cards will not prevent atrocities. Research suggests there is no link between the use of identity cards and the prevalence of terrorism, and in no instance has the presence of an identity card system been shown a significant deterrent to terrorist activity. Experts attest that ID unjustifiably presumed secure actually diminishes security.
When ID cards were introduced in this country during World War II, they had three functions. By the time they were abolished in 1952 they had 39 administrative uses. So what won’t we be able to do without an ID card, according to Government plans? We’ll be prevented from renting or selling a home or staying in a hotel. We won’t be able to buy a car or a mobile phone; open or use a bank account; travel abroad; register with a doctor; get education; work or run a business; (officially) live or (officially) die…
Please have a look at this website before you make your mind up -
They tell you that it is for your own safety, but in reality it is no more than a slow obliteration of our liberty and privacy. With an ID card, nothing that you do will be your own business. You will be forced to inform the government of any change and event in your life, at the risk of paying an unreasonable fine. The totalitarian government proposed in George Orwell’s 1984 is becoming more of a reality every day, and all it takes to see that is to sit down and actually think about what sort of future is in store for us if we are required to pay for identity cards so that we can do anything or go anywhere? Everything that you do will be monitored, there will be no secrets or solitude in a Big Brother state, which is what we are becoming.
However – it doesn’t have to be like this. Thousands of British citizens have already pledged to refuse the new ID cards - - and you can join them! If you don’t feel that you can refuse, there is also a petition where you can pledge your support to those brave enough to oppose the new order. The government will rely on a minority opposition to the new scheme, in order to “make an example” from them through persecution, fining and general negative publicity – making anyone who refuses to become part of the monitored state look like a fool, or a terrorist. If you don’t want to pay hundreds towards having an ID card – you obviously have something to hide, and are a terrorist. Do you appreciate being called a terrorist by a government to claim to be doing this for your safety??
The more people who realise the terrifying implications of the ID cards, the greater the resistance – and the courtrooms are already full enough, without the government attempting to persecute millions of British citizens who believe in freedom and privacy!
Poll tax was repealed in 1991 due to a campaign of mass non-payment… the same can happen with ID cards! Please forward this article to everyone you know. British citizens need to realise the consequences of introducing ID cards. If enough of us refuse to stand for this invasion of our liberty, then we can still retain it.

-Partially taken from
-G Jones-

ID card are shit

I am flat-out against this sort of thing. It’s similar to the patriot act in the US, just an excuse for more control…