Idea:For help remembering dreams: The dream lexicon!

Okay, Recently I started trying to have lucid dreams again and thus had to rebuild my dream recall, it seems to be still intact :happy: although I seems to lose memory of them much more quickly, while I was getting ready in the morning after imedately waking up and forgetting the dream( I remember them, then forget them within a few seconds of opening my eyes). I was having a little thought about a hot female girl and suddenly the words girl friend came into my mind and a entire dream came flooding back into memory :cool_laugh: . Which got me thinking “hey, couldn’t there just be a list of most commonly seen or done things in a dream list which can be read after waking up?”. If this works correctly, we can simply skim through the list and see if any words bring back any memories of a dream. I noticed that all it took for me recently, was something that was remotely related to a dream the night before, inorder for me to remember most of it.

So if we had a dream lexicon and had trouble remembering dreams, we could read through the list and if we are lucky, have one of the words tip us off to the dream we had. Of course, we need to create a dream lexicon of common events and things in dreams to add to a list that can be printed out. I might make a separate thread where people could name out common things in dreams.

That seems like a wonderful idea. Many people have made such a thing inside their heads, thanks for bringing that up :happy:

that is an awesomly brillient idea! This happens to me too, I forget the dream, then am reminded by something really trivial, what words would you put on the list? I guess it could differ for every person, and you could write words that are dream signs too… :grin:

When I wake up and can’t remember I do that too; I go over in my head what it could have been about and see if anything feels familiar. I can imagine also that maybe after using the list for a while you would start to dream more and more about the things on the list or something.

Great idea. I think one of the entries for the lexicon should be…

“wooga wooga.”

My recall is often triggered just by reading other peoples dream journals…it doesn’t work all the time, but it’s nice when it does.



Dream Hooks are used by allot of people to trigger recall. I sometimes will be doing something and just a thought of something will trigger recall later in the day. Here is a list I came across that may help others hook their dream to bring them to the surface. Whenever your dreams feel particularly elusive, lie quietly and mentally review the list below. Be careful not to force associations, just allow whatever comes to mind to “bite” of its own accord. Sometimes a dream can be caught in this manner and slowly reeled in.

  • Moods (any lingering emotions)
  • People (family/friends/lovers/co-workers/celebrities/aliens)
  • Activities (special interests or projects/work/interactive situations)
  • Body Parts
  • Body Positions/Movements
  • Feelings/Sensations
  • Places (current or former home/neighborhood/foreign country)
  • Animals/Vegetables/Minerals
  • Natural Elements (Water/Earth/Air/Fire)
  • Colors
  • Shapes
  • Sounds
  • Tastes
  • Smells
  • Letters of the Alphabet (first word associations)


Spatman, thats a great list, I think something like that would work along with a page of common terms that will also help.
I think I’ll make a separate topic(later…, not today) for where people can submit common things and activities to be added to the list which can be then printed out.

For instance:

Aliens, sex, baseball, tv watching, video games, spider man, etc.