Ideas to do in a Lucid Dream

I wanna try the God thing. That would be cool.

You know what would be cool? To take a pencil, draw something life sized on a piece of paper, and then as you color it it comes to life! that’s something I have to try.

Oh, transform into a mermaid or a shark, and swim into the deepest part of the ocean, race the wales and explore the caves and stuff. That would be cool.

I can’t remember if this has been said or not, but create a fantasy adventure world with you as the main character and live out your own story! That would be great for me, cause of my story writing to meet the characters and really get to know everything from first hand experience.

Get magical powers and show off to your friends. Hehe. That would be neat.

Run with a pack of wolves. As a wolf. heh.

Reach into your head and pull out your brain. Wow. I wonder how that would work. Or take your eyes out of your head and hold them up and look around.

Ask little kids about the meaning of life. You get the best results from little kids.

Become a single celled organism.

Get trapped in an unbreakable bubble.

Become a seahorse. Am I going too far here?

somethings i want to do are: cut myself into little pieces, throw my eyeballs at someone, turn into a tree, or some piece of clothing on someone, shrink really small, ride a comet, get eaten by a monster, and turn invisible

Dress up like the Grim Reaper and go around chasing people :devil:

Bust out a wicked guitar solo in front of everyone to impress them :cool:

Have a conversation with your dog (or another pet) :alien:

Make a time machine and go to the past, do something like kill Thomas Edsion then go back to the present and see if there are any light bulbs or anything. If it works, let your mind go crazy as to what you want to affect in history. :clown:

Create your own food; your own recipe and see how it tastes (something I personally am very interested in trying) :grin:

Get a group of people to go on a quest in a fantasy world like Lord of The Rings :beer:

Try to go insane. Like, really uncontrollably insane and see what happens. :crazy:

Become the president and make a bunch of crazy decisions :mrgreen_hat:

Jump in your toilet and see where it leads you :eek:

Walk through someone else or try to switch bodies :oof:

Get in a fight with some guy and do awesome stuff like run on (or through) the walls and flips etc. :sly:

Run fast. Control your speed so you can run the speed of light or just like 150 MPH so you can actually see what you’re doing (any speed you like). Do stuff like jump over houses or run on water and race against your friends. This has always caught my interest and I really wanna try it in an LD. Seems like it would be more fun than flying. :wow:

Get on a jet ski and ride through a huge storm going up gigantic waves. :bounce:

Go into a room where a band is playing or play a CD and see what the songs are like. You might find some catchy tunes :music:

Things to do with your vehicle:

Drive your car off the top of the grand canyon

Make a ramp and try to jump over the grand canyon

Drive through a crowded mall

See if you can drive your car to the top of a building

Drive through a fast food place!

Set your car on cruise control while on the highway, get out and stand on the roof of the car and jump from car roof to car roof while they are going fast.

Random Things:

Stick a knife in an electrical socket (outlet)

Throw rocks at cars as they pass on highway (small ones please)

Get swallowed by a whale

Get some hearing aids and put them in your ears…what do you hear?

Steal a cop car and pull people over for speeding

Steal a fighter jet and go bomb osama!

Go to the hospital and pretend your the brain/heart surgeon they were looking for.

I’ll think of more later.


Bust out a wicked guitar solo in front of everyone to impress them :cool:


Why wait till you have an LD to do that? :roll:

I’m talking like going completely mad with it. Playing so fast and good that it’s almost unreal (well, it is unreal). And if you’re not very good on guitar in RL you can just have the fun of actually playing it good in the dream.

I’ve been playing guitar for about 7 years, and that’s another reason I wanted to lucid dream. I’ve had the opportunity to play guitar in my dreams, and I can focus so much more clearly on individual notes that I can play my scales and arpeggios at super fast speeds. I’m hoping that maybe practice in the dream world can carry over to real life.

Yeah, I’m hoping that my practice with the piano will get me more skilled with it in real life too. That’s one of my main reasons for pursuing lucid dreaming. To get ideas for composing too.

heh, same… i write electronic music tho

I play guitar too. I like to use lucid dreaming to get rock stars opinions about song ideas I have, or go see Beethoven about some peice I wanna learn.

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