
Can anyone give me some Ideas for doing while Lucid ?
Like give me tips what is interesting or funny. :content:

From my experience whatever you do in LD is at the end fun. The excitement is much higher then if WL. Try to do “normal every day” things and see how it goes…

Stand still, look upwards, take a deep breath ablet yourself fall backwards! See what happens next :content: , I’ve done this a couple of times and it can be quite amazing!

What never cease to amaze me is the incredible realistic feel of the dream itself. Sure you could go about and fly, explode the sun, transform, devour yourself etc… But to really stand there and focus on yourself, and put all your senses to work is really an amazing feel. Sometimes, simplicity is best.

This morning I had amazing dream. The whole dream I was running. Not in a scary way but like recreational way. I’m not really the fan of running although I do run 2 or 3 times peer week. But this dream was just amazing. I was running through the streets then I was in more open space with trees and then I came to the place where was the ground like where are volcanoes[cooled magma - dark, black ground] and then a friend send me a message and woke me up…

But thing is I felt fatigue, sweat, wind and everything. I even saw and old friend and she asked me to join here and visit some guy. I refused because and I said: “I know him and I have to run”. As I was wearing a hat I wiped the sweat and continue to run, I just loved running.

After I woke up by the message which is almost as an alarm I felt very good, energized but usually I would be groggy and sleepy.

I just wanted to say this to back up my statement:

-Make your lucid dreams last as long as you can, then you can do a wider range of stuff lasting hours, maybe even days

-Things that need doing, remember some questions that you may need to answer for homework or something, doesn’t waste your real time but it’s not really very fun…