If I Can't Have You In Real Life... Maybe in LD?

So there’s this boy who I’m crazy about… but through several experiences I KNOW nothing will ever happen between us. However, he has recently been appearing in NLDs and I always make him show up in my LD’s. He even remembers past LD’s we’ve had, and it’s so special.
So my question is, is it wrong or somehow weird to continue a relationship with this boy through lucid dreaming?
when I see him in RL, it just seems strange… but I don’t want to give it up.

i had a lot of unlucky loves in your age, trust me, it’ll pass :wink:

and i see nothing wrong with having a relationship in LDs xD as long as it makes you happy… but just… try to not mix it up with reality xD it could get embarrassing heheh :happy:

If you’re worried about this making you a creepy stalker, then no, no it’s not a problem :content:

However, it’s not going to help you with the RL boy and you are not having a relationship with him through LD’s, you’re having a relationship with a DC similar to him. The other thing is that this will never help you get over him. If you know nothing will happen then it’s time to move on. It’s hard, I know, but that’s the best thing for you.

yes, that’s exactly why if i want to get involved with someone in dreams/LDs, i try to make them, eh, fictional :happy: more or less.

oh yeh i say go for it. go on a fantastic date, just the two of you, make it special, plan it out etc…thats what LDs are for, no?
you wont get addicted, and even if you do, you can cure yourself of that in a lucid dream too
happy dreamin.

Similar to rhewin, I’d have to say this won’t help you to get over him in real life. I don’t see a problem with doing it, we all indulge in fantasies and that’s all this is, but there is a risk that you could shut yourself down to possibilities in reality by doing it. What I mean is, you will stop looking for somebody to be close to in reality. Perhaps on some level feeling like you are betraying you dream date. I’d have to say if that happened then yes, It would be unhealthy.

Similarly if you begin to loose separation between the dream and reality, this could be harmful to you as well. When emotions are concerned this is a real danger. You’re not going to start getting confused about if you are awake or asleep, but it’s possible you could start to believe that maybe he is in an SD with you, and start to look for any signs he is changing his view towards you, for example. This too would be harmful in my opinion.

Considering both these things, if you still want to go ahead, go for it. Just make sure you monitor yourself and you’ll be fine I should expect.

I say take precaution. I agree with the mixing of realities so make him wear something or have something on him that will slightly change his usual appearance. It should help tell the difference. Other then that, I would also like to say, experiment. Nothing more fun than messing with different enviroments, different hights, different meeting combinations, like under the sea. Then, only after you feel like you’ve perfected yourself, you’re ready to face yourself.

My experience with dreams tells me this:If there is something happening between two real life persons in a dream, it is because there is something in RL that wants to be played out.You may find some time down the road that something does develop between you and your flame in the waking world.This is very common.

@ yesican
I don’t agree. From what I have seen, dreams are driven by our thoughts. This means that if you want to be with somebody, its very feasible that this could stimulate dreams revolving around this, it doesn’t mean they feel the same at all. To compare I’ve had very violent dreams about killing others, that doesn’t mean that I’m going to kill them at some point in the future. It means I am feeling angry with them and that anger is reflected in the dream in this way.

I don’t think making them wear something different will help. The blurring I was referring to was more of the emotional kind, not a loss of separation with reality. When we feel attached to somebody, and emotional about them, its difficult to contain and has no understanding of reality and non-reality, everything is real. I really don’t see how them wearing a different piece of clothing will help with that. I also don’t think there is a danger of becoming confused whether you are dreaming or not any more than with any other dream. Caring for somebody, infatuation and/or love is overwhelming and irrational, you would have to keep check on yourself that you don’t feel as though you have developed a bond, because of what you have done in a dream, and then feel hurt by their behaviour in reality. Take an example, what if you saw this person with a date other than you in reality, you might feel some sense of betrayal if you have a relationship in your dream and would need to be aware of yourself to contain it.

@Green Dragon: Well there are dreams and there are dreams.I must say, and can only speak from experience, but I’ve followed dreams all my life, that when another person appears in my dreams things begin to happen for me with them in real life.Why, I don’t know.Because of this experience I have it as axiomatic that somebody who is a regular in my dreams either is or is going to be a regular in my real life.It just happens that way with me.If they are in the dreams it is because they want to be, not because I want them–at least NOT ONLY because I want them.But this is not to deny your point–we can both be right.

True, I’m not saying it’s impossible that dreams can function in this way. If anything I’m just voicing a slight concern I have with that idea. That it could lead to somebody mistakenly believing that them and another person are meant to be together, because it happens often in their dreams. It’s possible that there is something to their appearance, it’s also possible that they are the subject of a fixation on your part and there is no special meaning other than you really like them. :wink: It’s down to each individual to make that determination I guess, only it’s not always easy to know your true feelings. We can make ourselves believe some pretty crazy things given the right circumstances and emotion is a major catalyst for that in my opinion.

i never looked too deeply into this, these are thoughtful responses GD, in that case, unpeacefulsleeper, best having the mind set that says, ‘this too will pass’ or, its just a fling. but dont forget give it your all and enjoy!

Green D: I hear you. God knows you can dream anything.Best to respect the fact that the two worlds of wake and sleep are indeed two worlds – confusing one with the other is a sure way to get stung.That being said, still it doesn’t hurt to be cautiously on the look out for hints " from the beyond".

What are dreams for? Some people are nervous Nellys I see, but I wouldn’t sweat it. Infatuation is what it is. Enjoy your dreams, nobody else is going to do it for you.
Suggested music: Ella Fitzgerald - Goodnight my love

I think this topic was about a different scenarion though. You already are in love with someone in real life, but can’t get close to them, and therefore just retreat to your dreams to play out your fantasies there.

For me that is a no-go anyways. Actually not because of the reasons that people like Dragon pointed out, but more from a morale point of view and respect towards myself. But anyways, it’s not really a problem for me anyways, because I’m not quite blessed with LDs ^^"’

I’m sorry about your luck in romance.

I experience the EXACT same thing. I have a person I’m extremely in love with. It’s crazy. I can’t let it go at all (love at first sight as well). I’ve done the entire “elope in my dreams” with this person. It’s amazing. But sometimes I think it might be hurtful for me. Because I get too involved in my dreams and that means I’m forgetting about reality. So I should watch out for that if I were you. :content:

I’m not totally psycho though :cool: But sometimes, boy do I scare myself.

funny thing is I had a dream with a friend last week that I wish I had a relationship with her. But she went studying in the U.S and I am here in Brazil so…
The LD was very spontaneous and I kinda felt bad when I woke up.

I don’t see why it would be “wrong”, it’s your dreams and your choices. If it’s what you want then go for it. A lot of people would probably think it’s weird but they don’t have to know, right?